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          Once again I bring you interesting and powerful teaching about the word of God. Based on the topic, how do we understand the word BRIDGE? God indeed gave Adam the opportunity to name anything created by him and it is through that wisdom that made man invented something new called BRIDGE. Now what comes into our minds when we hear the word BRIDGE, How do we understand it? In the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, BRIDGE is explained as a "Structure carrying a pathway or roadway over a depression or obstacles (such as rivers, holes and more). When you even look at the picture title you could see the design explains everything. To explain further, Is a structure that helps us to reach our destination in a form of a road, meaning it helps us to overcome obstacles like water, holes, and more. This meaning show the physical definition of BRIDGE, Now let's check the meaning of BRIDGE in the spiritual way, "Spiritual Bridges offer opportunities for the heart to discover greater truth and love but sometimes what looks like a spiritual bridge to one person does not look like such to another, and in such cases, one must be strong."In our definition, we made mention of truth and love. As Christians, I hope we all know the truth is CHRIST and love is also CHRIST. The spiritual bridge begins with our Christian behavior and ends with our Christian belief. What is your behavior and your belief as a Christian? Why do we act that way? Is because we believe in certain truths and this truth is about JESUS CHRIST. (John 10;10),declares the Thief came to steal, kill and destroy but Christ said as for me I came to give salvation. This is because man was created to spend time with God to be his friend and experience his love(GENESIS 1:27). But man turned his back on God in (ISAIAH 53:6) and because of that our sin is accredited as the end product of death. But because God still remembers us, he gave his only begotten son JESUS CHRIST born of the holy spirit to act as a bridge so that we can go to his Father(God). See (1 PETER 3:18).CHRIST died for our sins, he suffered because of me and you so that we can reach his destination. He came from heaven to earth, to show the way, when he was in heaven, he saw that we can't cross over that river, over that big hole, this river and this hole stand for our Sins, so Christ wanted us to reach where he is, that's why he came to sealed that big hole, to cover that big river to set himself as a bridge for us to reach his destination that is God of heaven.

This was also written in (EPHESIANS 2:18)

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This was also written in (EPHESIANS 2:18). That, it is through Christ that we both have access by one Spirit to the father. Just remember what Jesus himself said "I AM THE WAY" Christ made it possible for us to cross over to God. Without this bridge, you are useless, without this bridge, you can never cross that big hole, that big river. Fear always comes when you are crossing a big river, when you are crossing a big hole, this fear must be spiritual too, Fear to sin and fear Christ because we already know the river and the hole stands for our sins. Meaning, we need actions that will prove we believe in what Christ has done for us, and that actions are REPENTANCE, SANCTIFICATION, HOLINESS, AND RIGHTEOUSNESS. One will ask, why do we need this bridge? We need this bridge because this bridge knows where we came from. When you give birth, the child can only identify you as his parent when you are always around him or her. We are from Christ so we need that bridge. The Destination we Christians want to reach is about passing through a bridge and that bridge is HOLY, RIGHTEOUS, AND CLEAN, I wish to ask you this, why don't you sleep in the gutter when you have a place to sleep. Because you know the gutter is the passage for filthy things.
Then am assuring you that, this bridge is also the passage of clean, holy, and Sanctified things. Without Holiness, you can't pass through this bridge as we normally say cleanliness is next to Godliness. Now, Christ is the bridge, Christ is righteous because he never sinned, but because of our sins, he came from heaven to wash our sins and made us clean just because he wants us to come to where he is. Ask yourself this, if Christ wants your filthiness and dirtiness, he wouldn't have come from heaven to wash your sins away.
Meaning, without REPENTANCE, HOLINESS, SANCTIFICATION, and RIGHTEOUSNESS man can never cross over that bridge which is Christ. Without REPENTANCE and RIGHTEOUSNESS, man can never get salvation, that is why (JOHN 3:16) said, it is through the son before one can get salvation this because the son is righteous, also in (JOHN 5:24). So when JESUS came, he said something powerful, he said " I am the way, the truth, and the life, no one comes to the Father except through me". Without him, you can never cross that bridge to reach his father in heaven. So please my fellow Christians, be wise and live Righteously so that you can reach the destination which is heaven for your actions determines your destination.

Let's take some moral lessons here; Even we humans, we don't go to church, school, workplace by flying in the air but we pass through something, either by walking on a road, by car, or by plane, meaning we perform an action to reach where we want ...

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Let's take some moral lessons here; Even we humans, we don't go to church, school, workplace by flying in the air but we pass through something, either by walking on a road, by car, or by plane, meaning we perform an action to reach where we want to go. We were stranded without any way of getting back to our creator, and we needed a way to pay for our sins and be clean again so that we could be welcomed back to him(God of Heaven and Earth), So my sisters and I wrote something about TURN TO ME, you can find it in this book. Now to continue, God demonstrates his own love for us in (ROMANS 5:8) which was also written in (1 JOHN 4;10) That, "While we were still sinners, Christ died for us". But what then should be our reaction to this awesome news? Ours is to BELIEVE, OBEY, HOLINESS, SANCTIFICATION, AND RIGHTEOUSNESS for CHRIST JESUS. In (ROMANS 5:1), It says, "We have peace with God through Jesus Christ our Lord". Meaning, if you have Jesus in your life, there are no obstacles that can overcome you. But how can we have peace in God? Again to have peace, unless we have Jesus in our life because his sandals means peace, meaning peace is part of salvation, then it means you can't have peace without salvation, these two words walk together. Unless you pass through that bridge and that bridge is CHRIST JESUS, without him you are nothing. So I made a quote that goes "YOU CAN'T RECEIVE WHAT YOU DON'T RESPECT" You can't reach your destination as Christians without the fear of God, understand that, fearing God is a way of respecting him also.
In (1 TIMOTHY 2:5) It Says " For There Is One God And One Mediator Between God And Mankind, The Man JESUS CHRIST" Adelphoise, we have to understand that, CHRIST JESUS is the connection, the bridge between God and us. And also understand that He came to earth as a bridge for us to walk in him, walk on him, through him and with him, because he saw our sins are blocking our way of reaching his father in heaven, these sins are the things that made him came as a bridge. One will ask what are the things? And one will answer with a question, why do people make bridges?
Think about it well and you will see the reasons why people make bridges, thank you and stay positive.

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