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ACTS 19:13-17.
            As workers of God, we must learn to face the times of rejection and the times of rejoicing. You see, man still has a stubborn, sinful nature that only the power of the gospel can change. I urge you to pray that God will use you as an instrument of change in the lives of others you meet. The change may not be evident at first but you can be sure that God's word will accomplish its work in people's lives. God uses Apostle Paul as an instrument of change in the life of others. Apostle Paul didn't do anything out of his own will, if he does, then he would've been a pretender but the Bible tells us that, he never did anything out of his own will but rather it is God who does everything through Paul. As the title goes, we have to come to one compus mentus that, pretenders are always powerless, they don't have anything because all powers belong to JESUS CHRIST THE SON OF THE LIVING GOD.

         Our lesson for today is about how powerful the name JESUS is and how and why we shouldn't joke with that name

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         Our lesson for today is about how powerful the name JESUS is and how and why we shouldn't joke with that name. God is wise, that's why he said we shouldn't mention his name in vain. But as sinful as human nature is, many of us mention the name in vain. In (Acts 19:13-18), something wearable happened but before that, in (Acts 19:11-12), God did extraordinary miracles through Apostle Paul. Then in (Acts 19:13-18), an evil spirit said he knows Jesus and Paul. The evil spirit knew Apostle Paul had a relationship with Jesus and because of that, Apostle Paul was powerful because a powerful name called Jesus was in him, was walking and living in him to the extent that, the evil spirit couldn't stand before Apostle Paul. Brethren, you need JESUS CHRIST in your life. A true relationship with God is very powerful and safe, but because of fame, envy, the 7 Sons Of Sceva decided to use their own will by using magic to cast out demons forgetting all powers belong to JESUS CHRIST. Their problem was, they had no power over the demon they confronted. They were not Apostles and as religious as they were, they had no relationship with God of heaven and Earth. They were not believers in Christ Jesus. They did not possess the power or the presence of the HOLY SPIRIT AS APOSTLE PAUL DID. There was nothing like true power in them for them to cause demons to disappear, their words were powerless. JESUS CHRIST said it perfectly true that demons can't cast out demons. What the 7 Sons Of Sceva did was like, they were teasing the demon with the name of Jesus because they don't know the kind of power in that name. I'm saying this because apart from the Holy Spirit, all other spirits are evil. Using magic is not a good spirit and that's what the 7 Sons of Sceva were doing and when they saw Apostle Paul, they thought Apostle Paul was using magic.

       Brethren, we should know that demons are dangerously powerful spirit beings

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       Brethren, we should know that demons are dangerously powerful spirit beings. The Sons of Sceva didn't have the proper respect for demons (see JUDE 1:8-9). So I made a quote that says, "if you don't respect what satan can do, then don't serve God". To box on, we could realize that, Demons recognize valid authority and identity, and they feared JESUS. They feared JESUS because the image of Jesus was in Paul.  Now, my question is, Are you valid in Christ Jesus? Is your relationship with God a truthful one? Have you put on the armor of God? Have you possessed the presence of the Holy Spirit? Are you a true believer of Christ Jesus? Are you walking in Christ?  It is important to note that, the authority over demons belongs only to JESUS. (See LUKE 8:28,31) and to those whom JESUS gave it. The demons in Acts says it knew Jesus and Paul. The demon fearfully knew Jesus and Paul because Jesus and Paul were powerfully inseparable (James 2:19) and (Luke 8:31) and because of the true relationship Apostle Paul and had with Jesus Christ, he was powerful and was possessed by the HOLY SPIRIT. My question again is, What is possessing you? Whom are you relating to? Evil Spirit cannot be canst out using formula or a ritual or invoking JESUS NAME. The greatest mistake the 7 Sons Of Sceva did was the failure to realize that Apostle Paul was not doing the exorcisms. The result of the beatings was in some way of glorifying God the most high, that is, everyone in Ephesus was seized with fear, and the name Jesus Christ was held in high honor (see verse 17). In comparing the work of God through Apostle Paul and the 7 Sons Of Sceva, the Ephesians could readily see the difference between the power of JESUS CHRIST and the 7 sons of sceva. The resounding and accurate beatings with no error they received made the name JESUS CHRIST held high in Ephesus, meaning, many people will be saved from that day.

       Brethren, I believe this message is clear, therefore I urge you to know the word(Jesus Christ), have a true relationship with God by being obedient to his word

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       Brethren, I believe this message is clear, therefore I urge you to know the word(Jesus Christ), have a true relationship with God by being obedient to his word. Be sensitive to the HOLY SPIRIT as Apostle Paul did. Be a faithful prayer and God will possess you. With this, the demons can never stand before you. Walk-In Christ and Christ Will Walk In You so that you can avoid demonic beatings. But know also that, demonic beatings can be of different ways which lead to the LAKE OF FIRE so be WISE as a Christian.

Thank You and Stay blessed.

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