Izuku's POV

After that fun session of decreasing Maijima's will to live, me and the boys decide to head over to see what Class 1-A is doing. Honestly, knowing Aizawa, I predict they won't be attending the opening ceremony. Honestly, I find that there is no need for such a thing. After introductions, they could simply jump into lessons instead of wasting time with a whole useless ceremony. Let the students work their way around and memorize things on their own. Actually, even better yet, pressure them by giving them a time limit to get to venues they dont know. Maybe then, they'll take the initiative to find creative means to get around the huge school. But that's only may thinking anyways. 

"Earth to Izu- Ri-Chan! Is Ri-Chan here with us now?" Mei obnoxiously calls out, making me snap back into reality. I look at him in annoyance, raising an eyebrow at the slip up before sighing.

"Meimei, I don't blame you for slipping up, but could you be more careful," I say, rolling my eyes at Toshi's snickering in the background while Mei looks at me sheepishly, nodding his head.

I then announced our arrival in front of the large door that read "Class 1-A", before pausing and turning right back around to face my friends.

"What's wrong, Riku?" Toshi asks, while I just let out a small grin.

"It appears I was right. Our not-so-friendly neighbourhood underground hero wasnt going to sit around all day attending that nugatory ceremony. The class room is too empty to hold anyone, there is also no breathing. It appears we must go on a hunt to seek the chaos class," I say, feeling my grin widen at the challenge.

Mei and Toshi just look at each other with exasperation, before trailing behind me as I work out the possible places the class could be at. I mean, it wasn't that hard to make a mental list, seeing as how Eraser's strong coffee scent only lingers in a minority of places due to his reluctance to move around much.

My best guess was the P.E. grounds, so that's where I drag my dearest friends to first. 


Upon arriving, we here a huge explosion and a shout and I instantly knew the class was there. We walk towards the class but I halt, frozen in my tracks when my eyes meet a pair of familiar ruby ones.

"Kacchan! Look! It's Kamui Woods! He's so cool!" 
"Shut up, Zukkun! He's not that cool! When we become heroes, we'll be cooler!"
"Hai, Kacchan!"

The memory filled my head and all I could do was restrain myself from bolting towards those glowing red eyes.

"Zu? You good?" Mei whispered to me as I snap back into consciousness. I whispered out a weak reassurances before composing myself and continuing our way towards the noisy class.

"Yo, Eraserhead-San! We decided the opening ceremony was utterly useless and decided to find something more fruitful to do," I say with small grin, ignoring Hitoshi's mutterings o, "You were the only one who decided that."

"Ah, Omoikane, Shinso, Hatsume. Great to know there are others who share the same beliefs as me. Ok, problem children, these are some additional students that will be joining your class. Well, other than Hatsume, but I presume you are all going to see her around a lot due to the arrangements Nezu has discussed with them. They are also the highest scorers for the Support Course and had piqued the interest of Nezu, thus why he extended the offer of letting them join the Heroics Class in addition to their Support Class. And you, brats, take these P.E. clothing and change into them. We're doing a quirk apprehension test," the tired sensei says.

"In all due respect, sir, is it not unreasonable to label the test as a quirk apprehension test when for so many students, it test on more of the physical, no-quirk attributes," Hitoshi asked in curiosity. I give him a small smile of pride for pointing such a miniscule, yet important factor.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2022 ⏰

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