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Gabby's POV:
I opened my eyes to see Conrad and Robert arguing my ears were ringing and my vision was fuzzy I couldn't make out what they were arguing about. "I went to medical school and I say in medical opinion she gets her stomach pumped now!" Conrad yelled back arrogantly.
"We should wait until she gains back consciousness..she could aspirate or something" Robert argued back. It went one for a while but i couldn't hear most of it. They were so Engraved
In their discussion, they didn't notice me At all. I got their attention when my stubborn ass despite the pain tried to get up failing miserably and wincing in agony in the process. God the ringing in my ears was debilitating.
Conrad was speaking to me.
"I can't ears are ringing...I can't" I said freaking out a bit
"Screw getting her stomach pumped let's go to CT now"
I made off reading Conrad's lips
Gabby pov ends
Gabby is rushed to an emergent SCAN. Robert calls Vic asking her for gabby's used cup. Vic took it to in case they needed to file a police report.
Vic gets to grey's and walks nonchalantly looking for them
When she bumps into Andy rolling their the halls in a wheelchair since she just had major surgery not even a whole 24 hrs ago. Vic just assumed she knew. "Oh you're gabby still hammered or stoned not really sure which yet. She does know how to suck face though," Vic said sarcastically Rampling. Andy's horrified by Vic's nonchalant words. "HUGHES WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY...A HAMMERED GABRIELA" andy lets out
"I thought you're just roaming the halls for no reason" VIC replies
"I got panicky when Robert didn't give me any updates on her...VIC WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH MY SISTER" andy expressed
"She eloped from the hospital
And I saw her and thought she got discharged and I invited her to joe's with us" vic explained but was interrupted when andy started making assumptions.
"Oh God I broke her...she doesn't drink and would definitely never take any drugs but I broke her..." andy says freaking out.
"No you're not hearing me..she was there with us and simply ordered an energy drink but some jerk spiked it with something and she was basically Hammered the whole night. She kissed Conrad more like sucked his face off.." vic said going into very specific details plus showing her the video Travis took and it definitely gave andy the full picture. "Where is she when she come through she is gonna be..." Andy said
"Confused" Vic interpreted
" herself... I need to see her and be there when she is going through it" Andy explained
Gabby was having a CT when Vic and Andy come in.
Robert couldn't hide his suprise when he saw her come in. "What are you doing here shouldn't you be in the ICU" he says protective over here immediately going to her side to check her out.
"Vic told me everything" andy let's out
"I was going to tell you just after I knew all the facts "
He explains while Conrad talks the cup out of vic's hand and walks with purpose to the lab
"Is she sober yet?" Andy asks
"Not really her eyes are droopy and she can't walk straight plus she is talking nonsense and her ears are ringing" Robert described gabby state
A while later Conrad comes back with the results that may change gabby's life
"Good news it's flunitrazepam (Rohypnol) a common rape drug bad news that stays in the body for a long time and we all know she can't be a firefighter if she got anything in her system"
Ps:sorry for not updating in a while my phone needed to be fixed

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