Part 12: protecting her

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Robert was cleared to go home after the 24hr observation period but that didn't stop Andy and him from visiting gabby the 2 nights she was in the hospital. Gabriela was really grateful for that but plus different members of the time kept popping up with delicious halal food for gabby, not really hospital policy but they wanted to show their support and appreciation. Conrad didn't leave gabby's side. He knew was she left the hospital. It would be difficult for him to visit as much. Plus it was her last day in the hospital there was no way he was letting her out of his sight.
A man was standing closely observing him from outside the room. Conrad notices and goes to check it out leaving a dazzled gabby behind. "What are you doing here," Conrad says furiously. "You asked for my help and I came to help," says the man in a powerful tone. "I didn't ask for your help. I asked for your private investigator's help" he says quietly. " Son I just want to help besides it's gabby we all know you love that girl," he says softly. "Dad, because it's gabby you need to stay out of it, also how do you even know her." He says protectively. "A couple of years ago I came to the hospital you were working at with her and she somehow figured out who I was without me having to introduce myself and let's just say she was just protective of you," he says "please stay out of it," Conrad says Turning around to leave.
"But don't you wanna know what the investigator found out, it's bad," he says handing him a file. Conrad was reluctant to take it but does take it eventually. "Give it a read and if you need my help call me," he says leaving
Gabby has picked her crutches out and struggling to move to meet him. Hissing In pain every step she took. "What are you doing out of bed," he says placing the file away and holding her to support her. "That's your dad are you okay," she said concerned. "Yeah seeing him was somewhat painful but I'm fine, so you met him before," he says giving her a look making her core shake "yeah" she just whispers. He supports her waist and leads her up to the hospital bed and increases her pain meds. He sits with her until she falls asleep and then goes to inspect the file.
Andy and Robert were finishing their shift. Robert was on desk duty since he still had a stress fracture. Andy filled Robert in on the Microchips situation and gabby's cover-up to her father.
And now they were on their way to pick her up from the hospital. They knew at first she was going to protest but she didn't have any other options, she couldn't go home to her dad injured like that. They were hopeful, they could make her open up more during her stay and with the chip's removal she could probably hide out and he wouldn't find her they thought to each other.
(At the hospital)
Gabby was signing her discharge papers.
Andy: hey! We came to take you
Gabby: are you sure about this? You've already got a man in a boot (she points at Robert's foot) you sure you want my can't walk to the door ASS too?
Andy: shut up I'm indebted to you for life, I can save your life 17 times and it still won't make us even. (She says chuckling)
Gabby: stop that you don't owe me anything and I appreciate and thank you for understanding. (she says giving a soft smile)
Gabby got out of bed with the help of Conrad and a nurse. She was still fairly sore from her injuries and surgery. They helped her get into the wheelchair that was held by Robert and andy Got her bag of clothes. "Are you sure it's okay for you to push me around?" said gabby looking at Robert. "I'm not putting any pressure on my foot I'm fine," he says giving her a reassuring smile,
They got home with gabby showed her around. She kept thanking them which didn't go unnoticed by either of them. She was very self-aware of her personal space which they found quite odd. After andy helped her to bed. She didn't bother either of them for the whole day. At first, they thought she was just sleeping, resting up but andy went in to check on her and found her forcing herself into independence to the point she was crying in pain. Of course, andy ran to her side helping her back to bed "why didn't you just call out for me" said andy confused. "I didn't wanna be a bother," she said eyes all teary hissing in pain. "Seriously, I would love to be bothered by you," said andy reassuringly it was the tiny bit of reassurance Gabby needed.
Weeks went by the couple noticed a lot of odd habits and behaviours.
One day, gabby dropped a glass of water breaking it and she immediately starts panicking trying to clean it up almost tearing her stitches.
"Hey it's okay," says Robert trying to calm her down. But she was not hearing it. She probably apologized a million times while still trying to clean it up Robert intervening to stop her from harming herself. Andy observing in shock and confusion.
That afternoon they met up again with Conrad giving him the details of gabby's odd behaviour all about her flinching and her mental breakdown over broken glass.
"My dad found these files on her," he says sliding the files to her.
Andy's pov
I opened the files to find disturbing police reports of child abuse. It was pictures of a kid. There were multiple accounts of abuse starting ages 3 to 9. No police reports after that. The details in the reports and pictures were horrifying. At age 3 a teacher found bruises on her neck CPS
Confirmed they were strangulation marks all I could think of was "who strangles a three-year-old". She was taken from his custody for 10 days. At age 5 a neighbour came in and found her tied to a bed starved with bruises all over her body. The pictures turned my stomach upside down. And over from then 9 times he got away with it. "How does he get away with this," I said frantically with tears gathering in my eyes.
"The private investigator couldn't find out but he speculates bribes or someone on the inside and all evidence was thrown out," he says just as furious.
"We can't let her go back to this man, " says Robert
"We need to protect her," says Conrad
"That goes without saying," I say agreeing we have to hatch a plan to protect her.
"It's kinda sad to say but I'm grateful she can't remember her childhood," Conrad says
" I don't think she would be able to function if she did," says Robert upset

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