"Geto—thought it's not really him as someone is possessing his body—sealed Satoru in the prison realm. Shibuya station is in pandemonium right now with transfigured humans coming out left and right. I've managed to revert majority of them, but there's too many cursed spirits, special grades and transfigured humans down there and all over the city!" (Name) explained, her face stressed as she ran a hand through her hair, resisting the urge to cry as she thought of her snow haired husband.

Nanami placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, "I see. The situation is starting to look unfavorable." He frowned. He couldn't believe Gojo was sealed and now that it's happened, curse users and cursed spirits would be flocking Shibuya like maggots.

"Attacking from the nearby stations does indeed make sense. But in order for that to work, we must lift the veil first." Nanami instructed.

Mechamaru then spoke up, "This is an emergency, we'll have to multitask."

Nanami nodded in agreement, he looked at Itadori and the others, "There are several things a grade 1 and special grade sorcerer (Name) and I can handle. We'll head outside and see what's wrong with Ijichi. In the meantime, I'd like for you three to do something about this curtain that's prohibiting sorcerers from entering."

"Ino." The man jumped down from his spot on the railing, "Kusakabe and Supreme Grade 1 sorcerer Zenin should be inside this curtain as well. If you meet up with them, please explain the situation and ask for their help. Also, I'm leaving these two in your care." Nanami said.

With that, as Itadori and Megumi were dealing with a tough looking curse user, Ino was handling the grandma and nephew on top of Shibuya tower as she implanted a soul into her nephew's body. It was another grade 1 sorcerer. Luckily, Toji happened to be in the area and did Ino a favor by killing the old hag and the nephew.

Ino stiffened when Toji looked at him. His aura was pulsating with strength. "What? You should be grateful you don't have to deal with that shitty old hag. She was getting on my nerves." The ex-Zenin looked at the shattered cursed nails embedded on the concrete, "At least the barrier is down." Grasping Ino's clothes, Toji jumped from the building as the poor sorcerer screamed his head off, only to realize he landed safely.

Meanwhile, (Name) was tending to an injured Ijichi. Nanami remained rigid, flashes of his dead comrade making him clench his fists, "How dare they...!"

Aftee (Name) put Ijichi in a safe corner, her and Nanami rushed through the city. By luck, they stumbled upon Nobara and Haruta Shigemo engaging in a fight as Nitta was on the ground, injured.

Haruta noticed them and smirked, "I can't remember, is it okay for me to kill non-black suits too?"

Nanami looked at (Name), "I'll take care of him." He simply said, before stalking towards the blonde curse user. (Name) headed towards Nobara, inspecting the female's wounds before looking up where Nitta is.

"Hey! Hey! Can't you read the situation here? What are you moving around for? I've got this girl host—huh?" Haruta saw Nitta escaping through the escalators, "Oops! She got away!"

Nanami was soon behind the male, staring down at him with the most scariest glare on his face, "Where and how many of you are there?"

Haruta swiped at him, a gleeful smile on his face, "Dunno." He kicked Nanami but the blonde jujutsu sorcerer didn't even flinch. Huh? He didn't even budge. It's like I didn't kick a person at all. He's not cut!

Nanami fisted the males pants tightly, eyes unforgiving, "Where and...how many of you are there?"

When Haruta didn't answer, Nanami swiftly attacked him, hitting him directly in the face as he ricocheted on the floor before slamming into a glass pane, shattering it.

DISCONTINUED-New Rules (Jujutsu Kaisen Various x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now