Gojo hit the palm of his hand with his fist, "Oh, yeah, I forgot to tell you, there's a situation the higher ups need us to handle." He said.

(Name) glanced at him curiously, "Like what?"

Gojo leaned back against his seat, gaining the attention of (Name) and Toji, "The higher ups are planning to carry out a secret execution for a boy named Okkotsu Yuta."

(Name) choked on her drink, eliciting an eyebrow raise from Gojo and Toji. She waved her hand, coughing, "c-continue!" Yuta!? OMG, it must be that arc! Smol baby, Yuta!!

Gojo continued as she asked, "Apparently he crammed four of his classmates in a locker. The students suffered serious injuries, and after some investigation, it was announced it was done by a curse."

Toji then spoke up after listening to the situation, "So he's cursed?" Gojo nodded, affirming the statement.

(Name) frowned, "So he's locked up right now?" Gojo nodded. "He's just a sixteen year old boy but he has no fear of being killed, as a matter of fact, he wants to be killed. But I refuted that and made an offer he'll be watched at Jujutsu High." He explained.

Since Toji also had a mission to do, after the three of them finished their meals and (Name) tidied up, they left their home going separate ways. Toji planted a kiss on her forehead, going a different route, leaving only her and Gojo.

To make life easier, Gojo grabbed (Name) bridal style, and teleported to Jujutsu High. They walked inside a different building, heading to the sealing room where Yuta was currently being held in.

Gojo opened the door, allowing (Name) in first, before following after her, closing the door. The room was circular and filled with many sealings and talismans. Sitting on a wooden chair, was a dark haired boy with a stressed out look and lacking confidence curled up on the chair; Okkotsu Yuta.

Gojo held up a twisted knife, and (Name) wondered where he got that from, "Okkotsu Yuta...? That was a knife." He said, referring to the blade.

Yuta was silent before he spoke, "I tried to kill myself, but Rika wouldn't let me."

"Yikes! You're kind of gloomy." Gojo then grinned, "Today's your first day at your new school."

"I don't want to go." Yuta said, clutching his arms tightly, "I don't want to hurt anybody anymore...so I'm not going outside." He looked so defeated.

Yuta felt a warm hand on his head and looked up, seeing a woman with (h/c)-hair, kind (e/c) orbs, and a warm smile, "You will not hurt anybody ever again, I promise." She said, enveloping him in a hug as she internally screamed, squeezing the boy tighter.

Yuta's cheeks warmed as he subconsciously leaned closer to her maternal warmth, listening to her speak.

(Name) petted his head, "If you don't go, you'll be lonely." She felt him stiffen up in her arms, prompting a soft sigh, "Rika, your curse, can help people depending on how it's used. With proper training, I'm sure you'll be able to handle it and use it to protect people instead. Afterwards, you can decide if it's worth throwing it all away, okay?"

Yuta trembled in (Name)'s arms, like a leaf shaking in the wind, "...Really? Can I really control...Rika?"

(Name) nodded, a beaming smile on her face, "Of course! My baby Yuta will be able to do it!" She gently pinched his cheeks, letting go of him.

"Baby Yuta...?" Gojo mumbled in confusion, feeling jealous. He then grabbed her from behind, pulling her back to his chest, making (Name) blink in confusion at the action of her husband, "Anyways! Are you ready, Yuta?"

DISCONTINUED-New Rules (Jujutsu Kaisen Various x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now