it is what it is

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Me and Jason pulled up to ma house and she let us in, she looked like she had seen a ghost when she seen Jason...

"Maaaa" I said happily

"Hay ma" Jason said

"Go to hell" ma said

"Where my kids at?" Jason said

"You a lil- it's something wrong with both of my kids" ma said walking off


I seen my babies and I just wanted to cry, I fucked up so bad man🤦🏽‍♂️...

"Dada!" Courtney said

"So he know who his dad is but she don't" Mike said

"Aww snap I feel bad damn y'all grew up" I said

"That's cute" bella said

Courtney then started crying...

"Nobody paying attention to him so he cry, it's giving Mia" Mike said

"Boy hush" Mia said

"Nigg" Courtlyn said

"What's a nigg" Bella said

"Nigga" I said


I been at home all day just drinking and smoking thinking about mia.Then my step brother came in the house...

"Trey man what is you doing" he said

"Drinking and smoking nigga what it look like" I said

"You good man? I heard what happened" he said

"Yeah not like we was together" I said

"So why you drinking" he said

"I got hoes for no reason, they just sit around the trap doing nothing. So I'm home thinking about Mia and she not thinking about me." I said

"Cut them hoes off then" he said

"That's the thing I don't want to" I said

"Mmtch dummy well Mia not Gon be with you of they still here" he said

"No Mia ain't Gon be with me cause her nigga back" I said

"Mmh, well get better and do better I gotta pick up sky" he said and left


The kids, Jason and I are sitting on the floor in our room just talking and p we supposed to be watching the movie Beetle Juice...

"Omg this nigga holding my leg tight asf" Jason said

"He probably think you Gon leave again" I said

"Chill out" Jason said

"You chill out" I said

"Wtf wrong with her" he said looking at Courtlyn, she was bouncing but it kinda look like she was tweaking

"Chile that's yo twin" I said

"I'm dead" Jason laughed

"Selling dope till the sun go down" Courtney song

"Well I know where she get that from" I said

"Who Mike" Jason laughed

"Um naw trey" I said

"Oh. About that are yall together or something..." Jason said

"Uhn uhn don't start that" I said

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