Setting the scene

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~A couple weeks before the competition~

-Drew's POV-
     I get it. Jake wanted to impress Daisy. But out of all the clubs, she wanted him to join those freaks!

Whatever. It's fine. After this is all over, he'll come right back to us and everything will go back to normal. I can talk to him more. Spend time with him more. And just get to see him more.

You know I'd never admit it to Henry or Liam, but I really miss his company. It's just not the same without him.


I want him back... Those stupid freaks keep taking him away from me! And every time I do get to see him, he doesn't even seem like he wants to be with us! Why? Why does he prefer they're company over mine... I know I'm an asshole on the outside but-

I just can't help it...

A week before the competition

-Drew's POV-
I can tell that Jake has a thing for that blue haired chick. I think her name was... Hailey..? I mean I don't really care that much. I feel the exact same way as I did when he told us he liked daisy. Except-

If they do get together, then that would mean:
1. He'd spend more time with her when he's alone.
And 2. When he isn't alone he'd spend even more time with the music freaks!

So he would have no time left for his real friends.

No time left for me...

Why do I hate the idea of him leaving me so damn much! Why do I feel like he completes me... like without him- there's no happiness in my life. Nothing to look forward too...

I need to figure this shit out!

But feelings are so complicated..

Two days before the competition

-Jakes POV-

"Wait. That's a thing?" I said to the rest of the music club.

"Yeah! Everyone of us can bring someone backstage if we want to." Milly explained once more

"Oh, I never knew that, heh" I rubbed the back of my neck giving an awkward smile. 'Wonder who I should bring'

"Again you don't have to, but of course you always can." Hailey reassured me. "Some people usually need help setting up in the back, if they're going solo, that is. But pretty much anyone can bring someone if that's what they wanna do"

"Yeah that makes sense" I smiled and then asked everyone "Are any of you guys bringing anyone?"

"Nah, don't really want to" -Sean

"I was thinking of inviting Elliot, but I don't think he's into those things." - Milly

"I've got who I want to bring already on stage with me" Luke said pulling Zander by his hip closer.

"Oh okay then."

"So why are we talking about this again?" I said laughing a bit

"Well we just thought we'd let you know" Hailey said with a sincere smile

I blushed a bit subconsciously at how pretty she is.

"Okay, well I'll think about!"
I said waving everyone goodbye as I picked up my backpack and started roaming the halls in thought


As I was walking down the hall, I was pondering if I should bring someone with me. I don't need any help setting up, but I feel like being back stage would be a lot cooler than sitting in some old generic seat. If I have this opportunity to give someone practically front row seats, then I should give it to someone that deserves it.

Is there anyone that would enjoy that? Anyone that would wanna see me perform... I could ask Daisy but things are kinda awkward sense the last time we talked.

She sorta figured out that I had a thing for her and confronted me about it. She explained that I wasn't her type and that she was into someone else...
Which I understand, I can't force her to like me. I've been nothing but nice and if I'm who she doesn't wanna be with then that's that.

I'm still learning to move on. It's gonna take a lil bit. To be honest I didn't really know that much about her. She was more of a crush. I just thought she was cute and had a kind personality.

And after all that, I don't think she would be my first option..

I wondered a little longer at the earring question, when I remembered that I still have the boys! I could bring them with me-

I just remembered.. I could only chose one.

Well Liam or Henry wouldn't wanna go without the other, and me and Drew were the closest. I think that leaves a pretty obvious answer; I should bring Drew back stage Saturday. I think he might like it :)
Plus we haven't got to bond that much in the past couple weeks sense I've been so busy with the music club.

I'll talk to him about it tomorrow, for now I should probably get to class.

<End of chapter>

831 words

Hard to Control |[Drake]|Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt