Chapter 2

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White is the reminiscent feeling in his heart when he looks at Megumi and finally understands what his teacher meant. It's the colour of the baseball that Yuji tries to catch in an attempt to impress Megumi. It's the colour of the clouds in the otherwise perfect sky, and the colour of the new piece of clothing you swear to keep clean but never do.

"You're going to stain that." Megumi says as they make their way towards the sushi place, the same one Nobara begged them to try - only to go with Maki before they could get the chance to all go together. Yuji looks down at his brand-new white sweater then back to Megumi with a frown.

"You know, it hurts my feelings to know you have little to no faith in me." Yuji explains with a pout, and Megumi just clicks his tongue at him.

"It's because I know you, and I know you will not keep it clean." Megumi presses and Yuji extends his arms out to examine the new sweater. So far so good.

"I will, it's such a nice sweater." Yuji states and Megumi agrees, "you can't agree with me after insulting me!" Yuji scolds. Megumi just looks over at him and watches as he kicks the rocks underneath his feet. They continue their trek towards the sushi place, both lost on where to go.

"It should be close now." Yuji says as he looks at the directions on his phone while Megumi reads the signs of the buildings that pass by. They end up walking for twenty minutes before finding the place.

"It's this one." Megumi announces as he spots the sign of the building. Yuji looks at his phone then confirms the address.

The two make way into the building and are immediately greeted by a pretty and very enthusiastic waitress.

"Welcome! First time here?" She asks as she grabs two menus from the desk in front of her. The boys nod and she starts explaining the concept and menu of the restaurant as she brings them to an empty booth by the corner. The two make their way into their seats and begin reading the menu.

"Wow, the menu's so big." Yuji observes as he reads over all the options. Megumi peers at him from his over his own menu and nods. The two decide on what to order and the waitress comes by shortly afterwards and takes their order, coercing them into ordering the specials as well. The two sit and wait with Megumi listening as Yuji details to him a story from before they met, the latter feeling uncharacteristically nervous as Megumi's eyes bore into his as he watches the animated explanation of the one time he and his middle school friends tried to summon the ghost from his friend's basement. I swear it worked! Yuji says as the waitress from earlier comes by and interrupts midstory as she places their food on the table.

The two begin to eat and Megumi watches as Yuji picks up one of the sauce bowls and brings it closer to himself, his eyes falling to the small amount that spills over the side and onto the table in the process.

"Be careful, Itadori." Megumi warns as Yuji now haphazardly dips a piece of sushi into the sauce. Yuji tells him not to worry as he shoves the chunk into his mouth, giving Megumi a big thumbs up at the way he managed to stay clean.

"See?" He brags as he takes another piece of sushi, "that's what you get for not believing in me." Megumi lets out a loud sigh at him as he watches him eat the piece of food.

"Oh my god, are you still hung up on that?" Megumi asks as he too takes a piece of sushi off the plate.

"I can stay clean, Fushiguro."

"How many things do you own that are stained?"

"Just - like - not that many things. But the things that are - they're not my fault!" Yuji defends as he tells Megumi that they're all stained because of missions, it's out of my control!

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