Chapter 1

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Yuji rises to the sound of his alarm startling him awake, he groans as he turns it off and rolls over to the other side of the bed. The white rays from the sun bursting through his window and casting lines across the floor keep him from falling back asleep. The boy grudgingly gets out of bed, looking outside to see the black and white sky.

"Good morning." He greets, as he spots Megumi sitting at the table, as he runs a hand through his hair in his tired daze. Megumi greets him without looking up from the table, putting his chopsticks down he wordlessly pushes a plate of food towards Yuji. Yuji accepts the food with thanks as he also starts to eat.

The two sit in silence as they eat before Yuji suddenly complains, "I'm so bored." pushing the food around with his chopsticks. Megumi looks at him in wonder.

"You literally woke up five minutes ago." Megumi responds, Yuji rolls his eyes at the argument.

"You should bring out the dogs." Yuji suggests as he gives Megumi a hopeful look.

"They're curses, not pets, Itadori." Megumi answers, thinking about the way Yuji and Nobara always react to seeing them.

"But they're such good boys." Yuji coos, Megumi looks up at him, seeing the childlike glint in his eyes as he thinks about the dogs.

"They're still curses, Itadori." Megumi restates, Yuji groaning at him in response saying that they could make great pets.

"What about the great serpent then?" Megumi says, his face twisting as he thinks about it. Yuji's skin crawls as he thinks about having to see the giant snake shikigami. "He could make a great pet too."

"I don't think so." Yuji suggests, watching Megumi smirk at him. "So the toads then?" the other proposes, Yuji waves his hands in the air at the other. "Okay, stop!" Yuji says as he thinks about all the less cute animals Megumi can summon.

"You said you were bored!" Megumi shouts at him as Yuji goes to head outside.


Yuji plays on his phone during their break from training, scrolling through an article about a woman who found out her husband fell out of love with her. The article going on to say how he made an off-handed comment about the green towels in the kitchen when there were only navy towels there.

"Are you back on the whole falling in love colour thing again?" Nobara asks over the sounds of their other schoolmates in the background, leaning over Yuji's shoulder to try and read what was on his screen.

"Of course! Is it not exciting for you guys?" Yuji wonders as he puts his phone down, letting his hands run through the grey grass underneath him.

"I don't know, it would be nice to be able to see different colours," Nobara exclaims and Yuji agrees happily. "I heard some people even dye their hair different ones! Like purple and green!" She continues.

"Green? Isn't that the colour this is supposed to be?" He wonders as he rips up a patch of grass.

"It is." Gojo confirms as he takes a sitting position between them, telling Yuji not to rip up the grass. "What colour are you most excited to see, Itadori?" Gojo asks him, and Yuji thinks about it, there are so many colours out there for him to experience, how can he pick just one?

"Blue." He finally answers, his hands continuing to play with grass, "I heard it's the most popular colour, and it's also the colour of the sky apparently. I want to see that, instead of the bleak black and white it always is." Yuji complains, looking up to the usual plain colourless sky.

"You will." Gojo confirms, Yuji feels comforted by the affirmation even though it sounded like a thinly veiled threat.

"What about you?" Yuji wonders, as he turns to face his friends.

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