He shielded his eyes and the person assaulting him left him alone. Suddenly the light went out and he opened his eyes. He lifted his head and saw Quensly approach him with a towel in his hand.

"Lay down," he ordered as he continued to wipe him.

"What are you doing?" He complained.

"You haven't taken a bath in a while. I'm wiping you."

"I can do it by myself."

"Oh honey stop, I'm almost done. I started with your legs if you're wondering so I have seen it all.

Gulf tried to glare at him but Quensly smiled naughtily,

"Like father like son!" He winked as he wiped Gulf's neck.

"Don't compare me to my father Queen I don't like it."

Gulf didn't want to admit it but he was feeling better from being wiped. The air that blew after the warm towel totally woke him up so he sat up.

"Your father isn't a bad person Gulf honey," Quensly defended.

Gulf snickered. What else would he say?

"No seriously your father is not an angel but he isn't the devil either."

"What is he?" He asked.

"A human being."

"So is everyone."

"Your father cares about you so much." He said now wiping Gulf's hands. "He was so worried about you when you left home 6 years ago. When I met him the first day he was drunk and you're all he could talk about. He said he was sad that his wife passed away but she had been suffering muscle spasms for a while so it was kinda expected."

"And you want me to believe that? My mother was ok. She was working hard saving up for my tuition. You don't know anything." This was a warning.

"No you don't know anything." Quensly argued. "Your mother couldn't work with her sickness. I saw her medical report in the house."

Gulf's heart broke some more, "The more reason he should've cared. The fact that he left her alone and chose to be gay when she was sick makes him inhuman."

"Gulf honey,"

"Then how do you explain the money she left for me?"

"Your father saved up that money for you."

Gulf snorted as tears ran down his face, "Please stop." He begged.

"Ok. How do you explain that your grandmother, who lived by herself, managed to buy food and survive on selling vegetables in the market?"

"She was capable."

"She was old sweety. Your mother used to send her money but when she died your father started sending her money every month."

Gulf realized then how much he hated Quensly. Quensly came with unnecessary truth that only messed up his already messed up life. How much more stories were going to be unveiled? How much more information did he need to hear to fully comprehend what happened 6 years ago?

"Yes your father caused you pain by not being there for you but he was ashamed. He was ashamed of facing you but he cared for you. When we received news of you a couple of days ago, he almost lost it. I had moved out of the house because of the ex craziness but when he called me I thought you had died. Then we came here and saw Mew, he was fuming. He told him off. Said he doesn't want to see him near you again."

"With what right? Because he was he jealous?"

"Because he was worried."

"So you want me to believe the man who didn't care for 20 years wants to start caring now?"

"He is your father Gulf!"

"The father I wish I never had!" The honesty in his statement made Queen angry.

"Gulf! It was the right thing to do honey. You guys can't work out, you know that right?"

Gulf shook his head, "Yes we can."

"Honey, if he was the right one you wouldn't be having all this pain. It wouldn't be this hard. The fact that he pushed you to attempt suicide then it's a no. How would you even tell your kids about your love story? You were revenging the death of your mother but you fell in love with your father's ex by mistake, girl be serious. That's just too messy."

"I WANT TO STOP TOO OK! I'm trying every single day to stop thinking about him but what do you want me to do when all I do is miss him."

"And you'll continue to miss him. That's all you're going to be doing because if I see him near you I'm flipping."

"That's my choice to make,"

"No honey, if he's close to you then he is closer to Donald. I'm not ready to deal with betrayal right now."

Gulf was left speechless.

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