Potent Potential - Nine - Interested or Inebriated?

शुरू से प्रारंभ करें:

He must’ve got his schedule and found out our similar classes. I could just tell that spending nearly every second of my day with him was going to be perfect.

“Have you ever taken jujitsu? They deal with knives and group attacks but it’s not the same as real life. And anyway, now you’re here to teach me how to fight better, sensei.” I smiled the smile that usually gave people chills. He didn’t look very affected so I must’ve been too tired to get a good one worked up. “And next time I’ll be sure to remind myself to not to lie on the ground while I’m getting stabbed over and over,” I said sweetly.

“I don’t fucking understand how you’re supposed to be this tough as nails badass when you’re the weak stick I see right now, covered in cuts, mostly on places that could be easily blocked.”

“Have YOU EVER been ATTACKED by a group of your STUPID FRIENDS?!” I finally exploded. I shoved myself upright, clawing at Dante’s arm when he pushed me back. I wanted to get out of this bed and teach this stupid kid a lesson. “Fucking let me go! Did you ever attack someone and see how helpless they are when you fuckers are circling them with those fucking masks!” I spat. “I bet you’ve seen someone shit themselves. Did you laugh? Did you taunt the miserable person while you hacked into them?”

“SHUT! UP!” Dante snarled, pushing the shoulder he had a grip on deeper into the mattress.

I narrowed my eyes up at him, breathing heavily as my anger only built. I turned back to Pulsifer and was startled to see him paler than before, so startled that my rage left me.

He shoved the stool back as he stood so that it rolled and crashed into the wall. “There’s no fucking way I’m working with this kid,” he said coolly before spinning on his heel and walking out.

“Don’t think this is fun for me either!” I called out to his retreating back. I settled back into the pillows, still feeling the scowl on my face, and looked up at Dante with accusing eyes. Accusing because he not only had held me back but because his brother was a git.

“You see his face before he left?” Dante asked, his voice cool. He still hadn’t let me go and the pressure of his hand on my arm was starting to hurt. I could feel a bruise forming already.

“Yeah, I saw his ugly face,” I muttered. I was just starting to like Dante and now he was going to go and defend his stupid brother.

“I have to find out what happened to make him want to leave the old gang. I think it has something to do with the Ghosts and you saw how washed out his face just looked.” Dante looked down at me expectantly. Expectantly?

“What do you want me to do about that? He’s your shithead brother.”

He let go of my arm and I mentally sighed with relief.

“You’re the one that’s about to spend practically every hour of the day with him,” he said firmly.

My relief went poof. “No.”

“No? I’m pretty sure that’s what your brief was.”

Potent Potentialजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें