Avatar The Last Airbender

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"Oh my gosh I love this universe" Dannie squealed.

"You seem excited. I'm guessing it won't be heavy?" Shoto asked.

"You really should stop asking that. Though this one has some heavy elements in it, it also is some fun stuff." Dannie said, smirking to themselves at their unintentional pun.

"Let's get started yes?" Dannie clapped their hands.



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Bright blue light shone on the screen as Aizawa's dimly lit figure stood there.

"Water." A female voice began.

He proceeded to preform some form of martial art but as he moved it showed that he was controlling the water.

"Aizawa-Sensei has a different quirk it seems." Iida said.


The background changed to green as the figure of Rock Lock replaced Aizawa. He too preformed some martial arts as he manipulated a large pice of rock and kicked it.

"I'm starting to see a pattern here." Shoto said.
Bakugou slightly squinted his eyes in concentration of the screen.


The screen changed to red. Touya's figure replaced Rock Lock. He followed the lead of the other two by using martial arts to manipulate fire.

"Seems as my quirk is the same." Dabi said with a hint of bitterness.

"Elements." Shoto suddenly said. A few people looked at him in confusion. Midoriya asked for clarification. Before he could respond a different voice spoke out.

"He means that everyone we've been shown here so far has a power relation to the elements. It might be the vocal point of this world." Fayola said.

"Yeah." Shoto said in confirmation of her statement.

"That's so cool! I wonder what I can control." Kaminari wondered with stars in his eyes.


The screen turned yellow and in Touya's place was now a wingless Hawks. Unlike the others, he seemed to be dancing more than martial arts though it still had some elements of it. He stylishly manipulated the air.

"Their movements reflect their element." He analyzed.

"What do you mean Bakugou?" Kaminari queried.

"Idiot, use your head." Bakugou glared.

"I think what Kacchan is trying to say is that even though their all doing what looks like martial arts, they all have a different feel to them." Midoriya explained.

"Oh like how the Aizawa-Sensei's moves where all flowey, like water." Uraraka joined.

"And I was kinda more freestyle." Hawks joined.

"And Rock Lock, was tough, and solid" Kirishima joined in understanding.

"You're absolutely right." Dannie confirmed before they could carry on.

"Of course, I'm always right." Bakugou said as if it was the most obvious thing. Dannie internally sighed.

"Your students are really smart Shota." Midnight whispered. Aizawa hummed in response.

"My grandmother used to tell me stories about the old days; a time of peace, when the Avatar kept peace between the Water Tribes, Earth Kingdom, Fire Nation and Air Nomads."

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