Drives Us Bats

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"Finally!" Dannie shouted.

"What?" Fayola asked.

"We're finally at the continuation of 'Music Meister'!" They exclaimed.

Fayola looked at her deadpanned for a moment before Dannie realized she wasn't there during the first few universes.

"Just watch, you are going to love this universe." Monoma said excitedly.


Music Meister is playing the pipe organ spectacularly for a group of people in what can be assumed is his hideout.

"Who's that?" Fayola said, looking around trying to match the face onscreen to one in the room.

"That would be me darling." Mr Compress announced.

As he played the last notes of his piano piece he dramatically stood up to turn and take a bow for his audience.

"Thank you, thank you you're too kind." he said to the empty sound.

"Why isn't anyone clapping, I thought I sounded amazing?" Compress asked a bit offended.

The screen revealed that the audience he preformed for was made of cardboard.

"Oh" Compress said.

"I get how you feel. Can't relate you sad loser!"  Twice said.

"With the satellite in my control soon all the world will be singing my praise, and making me rich."

"Aaye!" Kaminari said doing finger guns.

"I can't be the only one that caught that pun." He said after realizing all the looks she was getting. he cooly played it off by commenting on how embarrassing that was.

"I forgot about the satellite; honestly his plan is genius with a power like his." Jirou said.

"Though there is one thing that could still get in my way." He said a little worried. A bat shaped shadow covered him.

"Your shows about to have a long intermission, Music Meister. 20 years to life! " Batman's voice echoed in the empty hall as he leaped down from the higher up windows.

"And that's Mr Aizawa!" Ashido said confidently.

"And he's back with the one liners!" Mic cheered. Aizawa sunk back into his seat.

"Batman. Always Batman, always driving villains bats!" Meister ran to his pipe organ and played one long note to start off his song.

"Aaye!" the Bakusquad -Bakugou and Kaminari said.

"Oh come on!" Kaminari whined.

Smoke came out of the pipes and engulfed the hall. Batman tried evading it in order to not lose the Music Meister but failed.

Meister escaped the smoke filled building riding on something that was like a motorcycle in the shape of o music note.

"He always has a sidekick, some boy wonder at his call." Meister looks back to see that Batman is right on his tail as he's swinging across the city.

"His utility belt holds everything, can't find that at the mall." Meister sung as he zoomed past the many unaware civilians on the street.

"I wish I could though, it'd be so useful and looks stylish." Ashido said reffering to the belt.

The bat mobile is super fast." Those bystanders who heard the Music Meister sing fell into a trance and while under that trance, they tried to grab the still swinging Batman. They succeeded as one managed to grab his cape and pull him down.

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