I knew that pup.

She got it from her mother.

The circumstances weakened her heart, she was barely a child. But she wasn't the one to get used to someone else controlling her life.

"The Lycans knew our plans," I said while giving Stephen the blank look. "The Alpha was calm when Pete threatened him. He saw our weakness. He knows that the human pup is precious. If he arrives today with the flower, it might not be a start of a warm exchange. He is self-esteemed. But he would be doing it for the human's sake, they need a pure-blooded heir. The way they looked for her around the forests, chasing us, was obvious that they had been winning her trust and love. They only allowed this attempt of escape when they had no worries about her being able to cross the border. She is their only chance to give them the heir."

Stephen seemed confused as he tilted his head and stared at me.

"The mate flipped the vehicle, roared around for her. She has him wrapped him around her finger and she doesn't know it yet. But now she is marked, and she sees his whole life. Even the memories he himself doesn't remember. She is a clever pup. I hope, she makes use of it."

Stephen's eyebrows straightened and mouth opened as I nodded.

"It is not in her nature to give up on life. She rebelled to me every chance she got here. She never feared me. I fail to accept that it was a goodbye from her side. She cried and sulked in front of the Lycans. Of course, she did. She is a little pup. But I fail to call it a good bye. Even if she won't come back, she won't be oppressed there like the others."

Stephen raised his eyebrows. "You know her," he mumbled slowly, making me clear my throat and look away. "Thomas did tell us that she wants to stop sending the females. There is no use."

I grimaced. "Maybe, there is no key at all in the end. The border just stays forever."

Stephen shook his head. "What if we eventually find Severa's grave? Pete has lit this hope in our hearts. Ivan has left a clue there for our females whoever might end up there cleverly. Thomas too did the task he was allotted well and he believes that as soon as Misty gets back on her track, we can do something. Even if not break the border, but a way for the mates to not stay apart in pain. Yet I don't expect a poor human to resist her mate's love now when he is the only one she could trust and stay safe with."

Yet I believed that it wasn't the last time.

Her mother's blood was running through her veins.

She yelled at the younger brother, at the older ones, at her own mate. She managed to reach the temple. She managed to escape under her mate's nose.

She wasn't an ignorant one.

If not her, I would go inside the pack again to see her.

Because this one truly didn't feel like it was the last time I was seeing her. I failed to believe it. I had promised my mate that I would do something.

"Our Valeria was as stubborn as Misty is," mumbled Stephen while glancing at the forest.

"She wasn't a human, mated to one of the Alpha's brothers," I told him.

Stephen looked at me quietly, trying hard to read my eyes. No matter how experienced he was, I was his Alpha. He was doubtful but he didn't force it.

He nodded slowly while glancing towards the border far away.

"Keira was being followed by a female. Particularly, a Severa's follower. In the rain, drenched and hiding from the other Lycans," said Stephen, making me tense.

Keira didn't explain it all while on the way. I too couldn't believe that the female would claw her for no reason.

"She asked Keira to send in the males so she could meet her mate."

My lips parted. "She wasn't the Luna?" I asked immediately. Because if she was, she wouldn't have asked for something like that. The important members of pack by then already knew that the Rucussan Alpha had entered the territory. The Luna would have knows her mate's presence around the territory already.

Stephen nodded. "Right. She was someone else, asking to meet her mate. To send in the boys because the longing is getting unbearable of course. Before Keira could ask her name or her family, five other females appeared at the scene and started dragging the first one."

The wind had started to turn strong. The sky was getting darker.

"The first one didn't want to let go off Keira. The rest were dragging her away. Keira herself fought the others to make sense of what the first one was saying in the greed of looking for the Luna. The actual Luna dragged the first one away with force who ended up clawing Keira in the process," explained Stephen while the sound of trees swinging around started to fill my ears.

"The actual Luna herself got clawed by the female who has gotten uncontrollable. She fought the other five females with all her might. It is that hard for her to stay in that pack anymore. She clawed the other members. The rest managed to take the first one away. Our Luna, in all the process, made the most of the moment by putting her hand full of her own blood on Keira's forearm and clothes hurriedly."

I sucked in a breath. "She didn't say anything?"

Stephen shook his head. "She didn't. Keira heard no names. The females were wild and disappeared hurriedly. Keira had to catch up with you guys. But the Luna gave her blood intentionally. The first one did an act so the Luna could pass on her blood. The clawing was unplanned and happened abruptly."

"They don't trust each other too, enough to not tell each other that one of them is Pete's mate," I concluded. "Either the first one genuinely asked for her mate who wasn't present in the territory, or she did all the act for the Luna to pass on her blood. Or maybe, the moment was just a coincidental golden chance for the Luna to do her part all of a sudden."

Stephen nodded. "Absolutely. It is hard to believe after knowing they get along in the temple and stay at the houses, grow up together, that no one recognises that one of them has reached the border twice or more to meet Pete."

"They know. They definitely know," I mumbled while looking up at the grey clouds. "Now even the human pup must be aware of who she is, if her mate knows the Luna. If the human pup and her stick together. . ."

Stephen passed me a sad smile. "Take a break, Gilbert. You are thinking way too much. Come to the clinic. I'll check for any wounds."

I shook my head while glancing at the forest.

I had no wounds.

The human pup had a big one on her neck. My mate had one in her heart. My niece had one on her forearms.

I couldn't rest.

The footsteps were echoing. I could feel the auras approaching the forests from fat.

"I can't. They are coming. Hopefully, with the flower."


"What do you think?"

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I missed you all.

Ah! It was hard to write this chapter. I hope you like it.

Will update soon.
Tell me if you want Malina's POV first or Misty's.

Happy full moon!
May we all get to make
our dreams come true.


Misty II Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora