Chapter 21: To the Peak

Começar do início

"Hey," I complained and tried to swipe it back. "I need that."

He looked at the metal piece a moment more and then pitched it deep into the forest.

My mouth opened in fury. "What the?! That was mine! You can't just throw my stuff..."

He reached around and grabbed another, tossing it another direction.

I grabbed onto my bun and tried to run away, but in an instant I was held against his chest, my back against his front. While I tried to scramble from his welded hold screaming obscenities, he picked every pin out of my bun.

I finally twisted just enough to grab the elastic out of his hand as he began yanking it down my pony. "You throw that and I'm jumping in front of a dragon!" I threatened.

He let me go and I turned to start pounding my fists into his chest. "You jerk! I needed those bobbies and you just threw my stuff into the trees! Freaking A-Hole!"

He just took the blows, watching me indifferent.

I stepped back, my eyes starting to glisten with anger. "Just leave me alone." I started walking to the peak and put the elastic back in my hair. At least it would be sort of out of the way in a ponytail.

Thann's hand was around mine, as he was instantly by my side again. "No. No head."

"Head?" Angry tears spilled over. "I don't understand you Dothraki. I just want my stuff. Leave me alone." I tried to walk again, but he was again blocking my path.

"Cry," he touched down my cheek, gathering the droplet on his thumb.

I turned my face, wishing I was stronger.

Was I freaking crying about bobby pins? That was the worst kind of stupid.

"I just want to go home," I broke down and turned from his gaze and dropped to a squat. "Why am I even here? I want to go home." It was a tear freefall now. I knew I'd held things in too long. It would be that kind of cry that even one thing could set you off hours later.

It didn't matter anyway. I was stuck on a stupid planet that no one cared or even understood me anyway.

I blabbered on until my nose started running and knowing there was no such things as tissues in the dumb world, I just wiped on my sleeve.

Gah I hate this place.

"El?" Thann asked softly, crouching beside me.

"What do you want," I spoke as grumpy as I could and turned my face away from him.

His warm hand palmed down my back and fingers looped in my hair. "Wheelbarrow?"

My reddened and puffy eyes finally twisted to meet him. I sniffled. "Wheelbarrow?"

He pointed to the peak. "Wheelbarrow, go."

"No matza ball?"

"Wheelbarrow go. Inkosi Maza go." His hand guided the different directions.

"I don't want to go to Maza," I grumbled and looked back at my knees.

His arms held over my shoulders, avoiding my cut, and pulled me to a stand. "Wheelbarrow go."

A stuttering breath came to my still sad frame and I looked to the peak. "Okay. Go wheelbarrow."

Thann then guided us toward my wheelbarrow. Secretly, I was glad he decided to come. Sure, I knew that we had been walking towards the east, but there was a lot of give in 'going east'. There was no way I'd know where to go to even begin looking in the area of my stuff. It's not like google maps was any good here and even if it was, I couldn't turn on my phone.

When that wolf jerk carried me away I had even passed out a few times, so I couldn't even suppose the amount of time I'd need to walk to be in the vicinity of our old camp.

I wiped another loose tear away, though the majority of the crying had since dried up.

"No cry," Thann spoke to the trees, still walking in front.

"I'm fine."

But I really wasn't. Everything on this planet was giving me mental breakdowns.

"Will you touch me yet?" I asked reaching for his hand.

When my fingers hooked at his thumb, he dashed his hand out of my grasp. "No."

I sighed and kept my walk behind him. "Why though? I'm not doing it with some guy I've never met."

He didn't answer.

I didn't expect him to.

17 Bullets:  becoming the Werewolf QueenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora