8 | kudos to kwamis

Start from the beginning

"But getting revenge isn't the answer, Marinette." Tikki argued.

"I like this plan." Plagg interjected before Marinette could respond—which she was glad he had, considering the next words that were on the tip of her tongue would probably not have been the nicest words to say to her kwami. Tikki instantly turned to glare at Plagg, who simply waved off her disapproval with a mirthless chuckle. "What? It's funny and I'm so ready to get a good laugh out of this. Plus, after everything that's gone down, don't you think Adrien should work for it?"

"Yes. Of course I think he should work for it." Tikki said. "But there are better ways to work for his redemption than to be dragged through a dupe."

"Uh hello? He duped me." Marinette frowned at her kwami, unsure as to why Tikki was even taking Adrien's side. Tikki knew just as well as anyone who knew Marinette well that Chat Noir's leave had taken a heavy toll on Marinette—that him continually putting off revealing himself to her had hurt her in more ways than she could possibly describe.

"I'm not saying what he did was right." Tikki answered softly.

"You're missing the point, Tikki." Marinette rubbed at her temples. "The point is that Adrien had his chance to be truthful multiple times and yet he chose to lie to me. I'm not going to just admit who I am and just let him slowly walk back into my life. Because of what he did, he deserves the consequences."

"And I agree." Plagg added wholeheartedly. "Adrien knew what he was doing. He had a lot of people advising him to do differently. I think what Marinette is doing is valid."

"Well... I don't think it's valid." Tikki folded her little arms across her chest. "Because the main focus here should be what's best for Emma—not revenge."

"Don't try and tell me what's best for my daughter." Marinette said lowly. "All her life, that's all I've ever given her. The best I can provide. I know what's best for her."

That seemed to offend Tikki. The little kwami's eyes narrowed further, her frown deepening. "Marinette, Emma needs a father in her life. That's what's best for her, and if you disagree, I'm going to question where your priorities might lie."

"Nino has been an amazing father figure—"

"Of course he has, but he isn't her father, and Emma knows that!"

Marinette could do nothing except glare at her stubborn kwami. "I couldn't care less if Adrien is Emma's biological father. Sharing blood means nothing to me. He's going to have to prove to me that he can be a good father for her if he wants to be a part of her life, and I get to decide when he's allowed that opportunity. That's my decision to make, and you need to respect that."

Tikki's prominent frown was enough to indicate that her mind would not be changed, but so was Marinette's. And Marinette could easily match her kwami's disapproval.

No other words were exchanged between kwami and holder. After their unpleasant stare-down, Tikki huffed out a clearly audible unpleased breath, and then she was off, phasing through the closed bedroom door. Marinette relaxed slightly the moment her kwami was gone... relieved even that Tikki had dropped it for the time being.

Plagg, on the other hand, seemed surprised. "Sugarcube seems to be a lot feistier than I remember." He commented idly.

Marinette found herself smiling slightly at that. She loved Tikki—she really did, and sometimes, she really appreciated the kwami's advice. But other times, she sometimes wished Tikki would be on her side even when she disagreed.

"She just... doesn't seem to think my judgement is a good one this time around."

"I think you're doing the right thing." Plagg said, and she knew it was his way of trying to comfort her—to reassure her that he agreed with her way of thinking. "I think you have every right to use the method you're using, and I don't think you should feel bad for it either."

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