"Well that was a little bit," James slowly spoke, "unfair, detention for a week? You just skipped one class." James shook his head in disbelief and put some potatoes on his plate.

"So," James spoke once again, when his plate was full of food, "where were you?"

Sirius knew way too well that he couldn't tell the truth, but he didn't wanted to lie either. He just shrugged, while putting chicken on his plate, "Forgot, like I said."

It did not looked like James was convinced, but he didn't investigate further.

Next day Alex returned from the Hospital wing, Sirius was determined not to show in anyway that he knew about Alex's little, fluffy problem, so he acted like nothing had happened.

"Hi," Alex greeted Sirius while sitting down by the breakfast table and kissing him on lips, "I'm starving," she stated and pulled food closer to herself.

Sirius smiled and watched how his girlfriend made herself huge plate of food. He almost started to laugh when he saw James's face expression, when he saw Alex's plate. It was clear that James's did not believed that Alex could possibly eat that much.

"I didn't think that it was so bad," James was surprised. "You twos are sharing the same plates?"

Sirius laughed. "No, Prongs, that's all for Alex, I already ate," and Sirius stretched before standing up, he kissed Alex's hair and together with the rest of Marauders left for the first class of the day, leaving Alex and Lily by the table.

While they were going to divination, Sirius suddenly stopped dead cold. He had just realized that the next full moon is on Valentine's Day.

"Padfoot," Remus spoke, "what's wrong? You want to get another detention from McGonagall?"

Sirius looked at Remus completely shocked, he was just about to tell him about his revelation, when he realized that he could not tell anyone. He just scratched his head and started to move without answering his question. Sirius had a very big problem now.


The rest of the month of January Sirius tried to figure out how to get out of the Valentine's Day in a way that didn't raised any suspicions in Marauders or Alex. Turned out it was very difficult, because he assumed that his marauding days would help him come up with something brilliant, but in this case, it just made more troubles for him.

He could not tell Alex that he had already something planned with boys, because James being James and Remus being Remus possibly would grant him free evening so he can spend Valentine's Day with Alex. That was no good because it involved lying to Marauders and he did not wanted to do that.

Nothing seemed right, because Alex herself was not able to celebrate Valentine's Day. Sirius knew that he needed to come up with something where he wasn't able to celebrate Valentine's Day and help Remus in the full moon, it was way too complicated.

February was already begun and Sirius had not managed to solve his problem, it started to worry him more and more. He was writing an essay in transfiguration, but he couldn't concentrate on it, his mind was preoccupied with Valentine's Day. Alex sat across the table and studied.

James and Lily sat by the next table and discussed how they are going to celebrate Valentine's Day. Sirius was ready to hex them into next century every second now. He had stopped writing his essay and listened what they were talking about.

"We could celebrate Valentine's Day at the Hogsmeade, that weekend is the next visit," James suggested to Lily. "There is no point celebrating on Wednesday when we have homework piles and I also have quidditch practice."

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