"What the fuck!—", my words had their own brain, they came out in reflex.

I clasped on my towel when I saw the man I apparently fall for.
He scanned me from head to toe then turned the door shut after inviting himself inside.

"You should start carrying your manners with you, you look cute", I passed him a fake smile.
"I do not remember telling you that I want to look CUTE.....", He cocked his one eyebrow at me.
"Especially to you......", He added dropping his formal coat on my bed which was lately hanging on his arm.

He removed his watch as well dropping it over the coat. His gaze was fixed on me, right into my eyes.

He slide his hands into his pockets and started walking ahead.

He said nothing but I was mentally screaming. My soul heated up although the room was decently cold due to the air conditioner.

My cheeks must have gone red, my heart was fluttering. No matter how hard I try I could never act unbothered whenever his gaze poke my soul.

He wrapped one of his arm around my waist to pull me to him. I swallowed still unable to take my eyes off him. My vision shifted to his lips but I instantly looked back to his eyes.

"Here.....", he spoke. My eyebrows almost touched eachother.
I looked at his hand. He was holding the credit card.

My credit card, which he kept to him after the breakfast.

He instantly left my waist and moved back but we were still standing at the closer proximity.

I retracted my card but the frown on my face refused to wipe off. I was frustrated. He was teasing me since morning.

I mentally snorted.

"Is something wrong?", He asked. I looked up at him.
"You could have given it to me by standing at a safer distance......", I snapped, I didn't mean to, it was just the frustration.

"I'm sorry......", He apologized right away and took few steps back.


"How are you so smart?", I asked in sarcasm.
"Because my girlfriend is......", He shrugged acting innocent.
"I fucking hate you!", I groaned.
"So is that your way to say 'sorry' for ruining our very first date? Okay I take it", he let out a brief chuckle and started to leave.

I kept looking at his back till he left. I groaned out loud. Only if the few words and a chuckle could make you way more guiltier.

I had to apologize, I must.

Releasing a breath I locked the door and quickly changed into regular clothes. I picked up Taehyung's coat and his watch from my bed and moved to his room to apologize.

I knocked at his door. He didn't open. I knocked once again and kept standing. Five minutes past.

I shut my eyes in frustration.

I was about to throw my palm on his door but it turned open. He was standing with his bare torso and just the black shorts with some random doodles over it.

"What it is?", He asked making me look at him again. He had his poker face on, I then realized his hair were wet.

"Were you taking a bath?", I casually asked to which he passed a brief nod.

"Here......", I extended my hand holding his coat and watch. His gaze moved to my hand and he retrieved them.
I heard a hum from him then he moved back to shut the door again but I kept my palm over it so he forbid.

"My Arrogant Boss". | Kim TaehyungWhere stories live. Discover now