Chapter 11

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2 weeks ago
above is where Chloe was kept for the two years.

Seconds. Minutes. Hours. Days. Weeks. Months. Years. I have no concept of time now. It could be dawn or the middle of the day. I could have been here for a day or five years, and it wouldn't have made a difference. I realize now that I have given up. No one is coming for me, or looking for me, and even if they were, it would be impossible to find me.

Yesterday he let me outside, it was only to hose me off and give me a hit or two, and during that time I didn't see it. I didn't get to see the sun. Clouds and the muggy air polluted my view of the once welcoming and filled with sunlight. And in that moment of abandonment I came to the conclusion that even God had left me. No one but me and him. I'm completely alone.

The stench of my raw wrists and the feel of this lumpy mattress are the only things that give me some type of comfort. It could be worse. I could be dead...I can't think of a worse fate, but I'm sure that others have more problems than me.

"Hello my little princess," My stomach heaves when his voice tauntingly floats into the room. I've learned to hold my tongue and not come back with a snarky remark.

"I'm sorry I haven't been back for a while, I know how much you miss our time together." I don't dare to look at him, my face stares directly above me. I wish he's just get it over with, use me and leave me. It would make being here a little more bearable. Listening to him hold his power over me, and keeping my body tensed for so long wears me out, along with giving him pleasure.

"Don't be like that. How about I tell you a story to start out our little lesson. Huh?" I remain silent, but steal a glance towards him questionably. The lines of his face glow slightly in anxiousness.

"Oh! So you are curious. Well I'll start then," He pulls up the stool that sits in the far corner and plants it next to my head and sits down.

"One very hot summer day, a brother and sister share each others company in walking down a thin trail in the forrest. When they stumble upon an old barn, fascinated, the brother and sister venture into the secluded barn and find that the front door is locked. Being the big strong brother I-I mean- he was he tried opening and knocking on the door. The sister started to feel concerned and a little frightened. Just when they were about to leave a man appeared before them in the door that was now opened wide like the gates of heaven." He pauses and looks at me, and I find myself intrigued by his sudden openness about his past.

"The man invited the siblings in and brought them food and water and they all talked politely to each other. But when it started to get late, the siblings tried to excuse themselves so they could get back home, but the man wanted to show them one last thing. He led them into the basement where whips were strapped to the wall, and chains were embedded in the bricks. When the siblings realized how scary this man was, they tried to escape. But they didn't even make it to the front door. In the basement he had two cots with chains attached to the head boards. He tied the siblings up and turned to the little boy and said, 'You are so kind to your sister here, do you want to treat her the way she should be treated?' Confused, the little boy nodded. The man smiled and turned to the sister, 'Will you let me treat her?' Again, confused I-I mean the boy nodded."

He turned to me again and whispered in my ear, "This is what the man did." He lifted his hand and caressed my face while tears built in my eyes. I started to shake my head rapidly. I knew what his story was building up to. He is going to take away my virginity like the man did with his sister.


My thighs and southern section are more soar, more painful, than any beating he has ever given me. I don't know how long I've been in this condition; wrapped up in my shredded and bloodied night gown. But I do know that I can't stay here. I can't let him do this to me. The wheels in my head start to turn as my ideas grow, and my chances of escaping broaden. Time to take matters into my own hands.

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