chapter 12- battle box

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after what feels like an eternity of tommy spilling all of my embarrassing life stories to aubrey, battle box finally starts up. the first team we're up against are the yellow yaks: lizzie, george, fundy, and scott.

"long time no see," tubbo says, referencing our fight against them in sky battle.

"remember the strategies!" tommy calls out, grabbing the crossbow kit. he's left "i want to harass wilbur" mode and has entered "concentrate on winning the game" mode. thank god. 

"aubrey's leading, tubbo goes for the wool, and wilbur and i assist aubrey."

"noted," aubrey says, grabbing a kit with a sword. i get health potions, planning on healing aubrey if she needs help. tubbo gets extra armor.

the countdown ends and the four of us make a run for it. tubbo makes a straight beeline for the center wool, tommy swerves to the left to distract, and aubrey and i head to the right.

on our right we have scott and lizzie. tommy's fighting george, and fundy tries to fight tubbo in the middle.

"watch out, tubbo!" aubrey calls out. tubbo lets out a small yell before attempting to push fundy into lava.

aubrey takes down her two opponents with ease, with little help from me. tommy takes a little longer, but eventually also defeats george.

tubbo wasn't so lucky.

"NO!" he shouts. "he killed me- HE'S PLACING WOOL! HURRY!"

tommy, aubrey, and i snap our attention to the middle and rush over to kill fundy. we almost lose, but tommy gets the final hit, and we fill the middle with our wool.

the next team we're against are the green guardians, consisting of quackity, orionsound, smallishbeans, and technoblade.

"oh no," i say. "we're against techno."

"he's gonna destroy us," aubrey adds.

"you know technoblade?"

aubrey lets out a sigh on the other end of the call.

"of course i know technoblade. everyone knows the blood god."

the tension in the call quickly rises as we realize this will be next to impossible.

"maybe i can distract the blade with my insanely good looks," tommy says, and can tell he's wiggling his eyebrows. i feel awful for his poor viewers that are watching his facecam.

"yeah for sure. you can definitely distract one of the best pvp fighters with your 'good looks,'" tubbo groans. aubrey laughs.

we all choose the same kits as last time. but aubrey stops me after i select the potions kit.

"uhh, maybe you should get an offense kit instead? same with tubbo?" she suggests awkwardly.

"i'm quite rubbish at offense-" i attempt to say.

"nonsense! it's okay! plus we're against technoblade! we should all go offense!"

aubrey laughs nervously and i raise an eyebrow. why does she sound so jittery?

"are you okay?" tommy asks. "i thought we all agreed to do it the way we strategized befo-"

"screw the strategy!" aubrey's voice sounds very unsure. "doesn't matter! out the window it goes! just like wilbur said he was gonna do with tommy!" she hits her hand on her desk and lets out a quiet "ow."

i get an in-game message.

Tubbo_ whispers to you: is she going insane?

You whisper to Tubbo_: i don't know. this is weird.

before we have time to say anything else, the countdown starts and we're released from the waiting area. aubrey zooms ahead, not leaving time for any of us to see where she went.

"aubrey? where'd you go?" tommy asks.

aubrey doesn't respond.

Tubbo_ whispers to you: she seems to be really in the zone if she's not even answering

my mouth forms into a straight line as i try to think.

You whisper to Tubbo_: maybe she's really stressed about fighting techno?

tommy and tubbo are fighting techno while i type the message. oli and joel are in the center replacing the wool, so i quickly rush over and kill the two of them, catching them off guard. the two of them fall into the lava and by some magic occurrence, tommy and tubbo kill techno.

but there's one person left. quackity.

and aubrey.

so if aubrey wasn't with techno... that must mean...

TommyInnit whispers to you: i think you should see this

i raise an eyebrow. see what?

You whisper to TommyInnit: ?????

TommyInnit whispers to you: round the left corner. don't replace the wool just yet

You whisper to TommyInnit: what about quackity?

TommyInnit whispers to you: i don't think he'll be a problem

i follow tommy's directions and find aubrey and quackity crouching next to each other, hitting each other with their fists.

"what the-?" i ask in the vc. i check the vc and aubrey's gone. "where's aubrey?!"

"she's not in the vc?" tubbo asks.

"no?!" panic arises in my voice. i don't know why. maybe it's because aubrey was acting cozy with someone we are up against, maybe it's because she randomly vanished from the vc, but i didn't like any of it one bit.

"i found her," tommy says. his voice sounds very grave.


"green guardians vc..."

my heart sinks.

(A/N hello. i am here. i'm alive. providing let me down slowly content. surprise)

(on a real note though, battle box is going to be the second to last game for mcc that i write about :/ in all honesty, mcc is getting a bit boring for me to write, and i have so many ideas for things i want to write about after mcc, so i need to speed this up a bit before i get burnt out. again. lolzies. i'm sorry if this disappoints anyone but i think this is what's best in the long run! don't worry, the story's far from over, but mcc has to come to a close pretty quickly or i'm going to go insane HAHAHA. with that, thank you all so much for reading! please vote, comment, share, and add this to your reading lists! the support for me and my stories have been insane recently and i'm eternally grateful. i hope you have a great day and remember that you are very valid! ilyasm! <3)

let me down slowly - wilbur sootWhere stories live. Discover now