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The students are doing internships once again, Bakugo got sent to Jaku City whilst Uraraka got sent to Naruhata.

Bakugo who has been recently spending a lot of time with Uraraka is staying in his own hotel room for the next week. Sticking to his schedule to continue his routine.

Except he can't wake up Uraraka at 8 am anymore because they aren't in the same place anymore.

For the last few days after his morning jog/patrol he returns to his hotel room thinking 'I need to wake up Roundface' only to remember that he doesn't.

Today as that happened he sat down and stared at his phone. He could just call her, saying wake up.

But she may be already awake and he doesn't want to embarrass himself or explain himself.

Back at the dorms he always knew she was asleep because if she wasn't she would have got up and begged him to make her breakfast.

Is she eating ok? he questions as he stares at her profile picture. It's her with Jirou taking a selfie at an angle that showed Bakugo playing the drums when they were practising for the Cultural Festival.

He didn't know they took the picture until a month later when she dared to use it as her profile picture. He ended up chasing her around the dorms to make her change it but she refused, instead she promised to delete it if he let her keep it on her profile.

What Bakugo doesn't know is that Uraraka kept a printed copy of the picture in her photo album that Ms Joke gifted her.

Bakugo doesn't realise how long he's been staring until his phone buzzes because of a message from his mum.

After quickly replying before she gets mad he tosses his phone to the side and sighs in defeat.

"Alright," he yells to the air. "I miss Roundface. Congratulations, Universe. You win."

Suddenly his phone starts ringing, he reaches over and answers the phone. Before he can greet whoever is on the other line he hears a voice say "Bakugo kun, hidoi!"

It's Uraraka, sounding very upset and annoyed.

"What did I do?" he asks confused but secretly happy to hear her voice.

"You haven't called or messaged me once since the internship started," she huffs.

"That gives you an excuse to squeak at me at 8 am in the morning?"

"Shut up, you've been awake for hours," she grumbles. "Why haven't you called me, or checked up on me?"

"Were you waiting for my call?" he asks surprised but smirking.

"Yes I was, Jiro chan and Mina chan both said that Kaminari kun, Kirishima kun and even Sero kun have been calling to check up on them, Deku kun's been messaging me nonstop and Iida kun has been messaging me to go to bed on time, Sato kun has been giving me online cooking classes, Momo chan and Todoroki kun have been helping me with my homework stuff..."

"You know you lost me at Deku's been annoying you nonstop," Bakugo says. "I get it, your popular."

"I didn't say he was annoying me," she yelps.

"Sounded like it to me," he laughs. "What does your popularity got to do with me?"

Her voice got quieter suddenly as her shy personality takes over, "I thought at you would call me at 8 to wake me up."

"So you miss your alarm clock?" Bakugo rolls his eyes even though she can't see him.

"I...uh...I," she stutters.

"Alright I'll start waking you up again," he says as if he hadn't been contemplating doing so every morning for the last few days.

"Thanks Bakugo kun."

"Tch, whatever."

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