Chapter 1

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Heyyy, I know it's only one chapter but could you guys help me improve. Tell me anything from constructive criticism to down right bluntness :) I'll welcome anything. Thanks x

Rose (POV)

I felt pian down my spine! I saw blood, MY BLOOD!! What had I done to deserve this? I looked up with pleading eyes hoping he would stop.

"Don't look at me with those eyes BLOOD WHORE!! You're nothing without me, you'll listen to what I have to say and do it. Do you understand?"

"ye-yes  Adrian, I understand." I said sounding defeated.

I saw black dots in my vision and everything seemed blurred, then nothing...

***Couple hours later***

I opened my eyes, I saw a bright white light and I  thought to myself 'Is this it? Is this what death feels like? No It can't be, dead people don't feel pain Rose'.

I groaned in pain and felt hair brush against my arm, i looked over to see Lissa. She was asleep holding my hand I whispered "Li-sa" God I sound like a cat being dragged. Lissa moved slightly but was still asleep so I tried again. This time It worked, she stood up do fast it made my head spin. "Rose, you're awake!! Guys SHE'S AWAKE!!" She squealed. I sat up to see who she was talking to and saw Mason, Eddie and Christian.

Even though i hurt like hell. I gave a small smile, grateful for the love of my friends around me. Mason was first to talk. "Hey Rose, you had me worried there that you wouldn't wake up." He said whilst looking at me sympathetically, I could see the hurt and sadness in his eyes. I looked over to Eddie and Christian who where standing far enough so the wouldn't break me. I look at Christian, "Sparky, don't look at me like that or I'll make you look worse than me" I said playfully trying to lighten up the mood. "Rosie you couldn't hurt me even if you tried" he shot back.

We all talked for a while and I learned that I'd been out for a whole day. I remembered blacking out in Adrian's house and then I was at the hospital. At least he had the common decency to bring me here. I told Lissa what happened after the boys left to go change into their uniform, since school was starting soon. She told me that she would help me move to an apartment next to her and Christian and help me settle in.

***A week later***

It's been little under a week since i left the hospital. I still had some bruises and cuts on my back and face, at least the swelling's gone down on my face. I sill had a little discolouring around my right eye, but that could be covered with makeup.

Today was my first day back at school since the incident. Nobody knew why I wasn't at school thanks to Lissa. Well obviously my friends and Alberta knew, and that's how I want it to stay.

School went ok, I got a few glares from the other girls but nothing worth worrying about. I'm now on my way to a new self-defence class I signed up for.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2021 ⏰

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