Chapter 2: School, Sunshine, Spot

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Stiles blinks awake, early morning sunshine beaming on his face. Not a second later, the door creaks open and his dad's head pokes through. His eyes look slightly shrunken and lined deeply, informing Stiles that his dad had a late night yesterday, but nonetheless his father is a happy man and Stiles knows that few late nights mean nothing as soon as they exchange smiles at each other.

"Morning, kiddo, gotta get up. Senior year doesn't pause just cause you want to sleep in," his dad says with a rueful grin.

"If only Santa had granted those time-stopping abilities I had asked for at Christmas," Stiles replies wistfully. His dad rolls his eyes fondly and leaves him to get ready. Yawning widely, Stiles pulls on some clothes, his typical outfit of faded jeans, graphic t-shirt and plaid overshirt. Lydia often remarked that if he forgot to shower for a few days and didn't brush his hair, he could pass as a homeless person. But to Lydia, anyone who falls below her definition of perfection can be categorised in some shape or form similar to homelessness. She is a hard lady to please, but Jackson seems to manage just fine. Maybe Jackson is stronger than Stiles gives him credit for, Stiles thinks. Yet, he still likes to imagine Lydia using Jackson as a footstool whenever he pisses her off.

Stiles hops down the stairs, landing with a solid thud, and strolling into the kitchen to make some toast. His dad is already gnawing his way through a couple of pieces, wholemeal thank you very much, so Stiles sits across from him and slathers some very unhealthy lashing of chocolate spread on his bread right as his dad watches with a fearsome glare.

"How come you get to drown yourself in cholesterol and I can't, huh?" his dad demands, looking ready to pounce over the table and steal Stiles' food.

"Because I don't have a note from the doctor and a meddling son who doesn't know when to stop," Stiles tells him, lips twitching to try to rise into a grin.

His dad is ready to argue his case until the sun explodes, but thankfully, his phone rings and the Sheriff gets inevitably pulled back to the station. He places a kiss on his son's forehead and speeds away while Stiles grabs his bag and makes a cup of coffee to take with him to school. Pouring the last of it in the Texas takeaway cup (the twentieth one collected/stolen by Allison – she and Stiles have a thing about having a mug or cup from every state, so when Ally's parents drag her away on trips around America for Mr. Argent's job, she picks up a cup from whatever crappy diner is closest – tradition at its best), Stiles picks up his keys and jumps in his jeep.

His mom left it to him in her will so whenever he drives it, it feels like she's still here, like a piece of her is still alive, which is why he refuses to drive anything else. This is in spite of the fact that the passenger side door doesn't close without excessive force, a clicking sound is made whenever he uses the brakes, and there is a lingering burning smell that Stiles can't for the life of him figure out its origin. Derek had offered a million times to drive him as his parents had bought him a savvy new Camaro after he passed his driving test, probably just worried about Stiles' safety, but Stiles had warned him that if he asked one more time, he would be obligated to kick his mate in the balls. Hard.

Stiles arrives with more than a few minutes to spare before the first bell, so he meanders through the entranceway and down the hall to his locker. He riffles through his books there, fingers enjoying flicking through the pages as it gives him something to do. Stiles waits, listening to all the other students file past him and the locker doors slam and broken pieces of dialogue, he waits and he waits.

Then it happens.

Large hands grip his sides, picking him up and spinning him around. Even though he knew it was going to happen, Stiles still squeals, but its full of delight. Once he is dropped back to earth, Stiles pounces on Derek, planting a firm kiss on his lips and getting lost in the heady feeling it creates. Derek kisses him back with fierce enthusiasm.

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