Chapter 23

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      The next day was bright and sunny. Ann had made a new dress for Andie to wear. She had given her a silver and turquoise belt to wear with it. The Indians believed that silver and turquoise kept bad spirits away while attracting the positive spirits. The other women were dressed in similar fashion, already having their dresses for awhile, with the exception of Jenika. She also received a new one to wear. Andie was a bundle of nerves. She was trying not to think about what happened the last time she got married. She didn't think she could handle it if something were to happen to Adam. After everyone was ready, they walked up a small hill to where the men were waiting. They were all dressed in Indian gear for the ceremony. Adam was also wearing silver and turquoise.  They couldn't take their eyes off of each other as the stood facing each other. One of the tribal elders had them do the traditional washing of the hands from a big pitcher of water to wash off and unwanted negative energy. Adam had given the ring meant for him to Sami because he hadn't wanted Andie to see it yet. The tribal elder asked if they had words that they wanted to say in front of the Sky Spirit. They both nodded.

        Adam took a deep breath and spoke.  "When I first met you I didn't know what to think. I had thought that you were going to be a thorn in my side. Then, the night of your birthday when we touched for the first time after you bumped into me, I felt an electric jolt that told me that you were the one. When two people get zapped like that, it means that your destinies are entwined.(a/n not really but it works for the story.)  I fell for you the second my eyes looked into yours. I give you my heart to keep forever after today. Never forget how much I love you." He takes her hand and removes the ring and puts it on her other hand. He then takes out the new ring and puts it on her ring finger. "This new ring represents us. The amethyst for you and the diamond for me. Always together." He watched as silent tears slipped down her face.

       Andie spoke, trying not to let her voice crack. "For many years I was dead on the inside. When I first met you, you seemed so arrogant and I wasn't sure what to make of you. Then that night happened. I felt the electric jolt and tried to ignore it. I kept watching you after that. I thought that you would want nothing to do with me when you found out how old I am or when you found out what had happened to me. You saw past all that and saw the woman inside and brought me back to life." She took the ring from Sami and saw that it matched hers. She shakily slipped it onto Adam's finger. "This ring represents us. Diamond for you, amethyst for me. Our destinies entwined forever. I love you with all my heart, Adam." She smiled up at him as he wiped her tears away to give her one of his heart melting kisses that was quickly turning passionate until Tim and Silverhawk started to cough loudly. The tribal elder then spoke again.

       "You have now been joined together in front of the Sky Spirit to live as man and wife forever. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Henry."

       Everyone cheered. Everyone started walking down the hill to where there was going to be an Indian celebration in honor of Adam and Andie. The newlyweds followed the rest of the group hand in hand. Andie still crying tears of happiness. She just loved the new ring as much as the other one. She would always wear both. Adam gave her hand a squeeze. They walked to where Silverhawk had set up his village on her property. There was buffalo roasting over an open fire. Corn on the cob getting prepared. The meat would take awhile but the women in the tribe liked to prepare everything else in advance. There was more than enough alcohol and tea and lemonade. There was even a lot of the tribal wine that Andie loved. Adam knew that he was going to have to regulate her drinking if she had the wine. But then, it was her wedding day, after all. He would let her enjoy it. Plus, a drunk Andie was a very sexually aggressive Andie. Just as long as they didn't try to play hide and seek again. He smiled at that memory. He let her join the women while he went and got her something to drink. She said that she would start with whiskey or rum first since it was still early.

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