Chapter 4

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       Tim and  Silverhawk were still sitting at the bonfire talking when they saw Andie and Adam walking back holding hands and both wearing wet clothes. Tim's eyebrows shot up as he sat observing them. Just what had happened between them?

      "So, sis, why are your clothes soaking wet?" He  smirked.

     She blushed slightly, "I oh so gracefully fell off of a rock into the water and Adam was kind enough to save me from drowning."

   "Uh huh. Then why are you blushing?"

    "None of your business. I think I need some more wine if you are going to play 20 questions." She walked over to where Sami and Oleana were putting war paint onto their passed out boyfriends and grabbed another bottle of wine.

     Adam started to fidget nervously under Tim's watchful gaze. He wasn't sure how much Andie wanted Tim to know.

     "Adam, why so nervous? I can see that you feel something for her. I love my sister and want her to be happy. Silverhawk and I think that you could make her happy. You have my blessing, but if you hurt her, you will have me, Austin, Chance and Silverhawk to deal with."

     "You have nothing to worry about, Tim. There is just something special about her. We have only known each other a day but I feel a magnetic pull between us. I hope she feels the same way."

     Suddenly one of Silverhawk's scouts came riding in very fast. He seemed upset about something. He approached Tim and Silverhawk.

      "Silverhawk, while we were watching over Andie's place like you asked, we saw someone enter.  They were there for quite some time. We checked the place out after they left and found a few rattlesnakes there. One was even in her bed. Someone is trying to kill her."

     "So I was right when I felt someone watching us leave there. Let's not tell her yet."

     Adam turned to look at Andie. It made him angry that someone wanted her dead. He knew who that person was. He wasn't going to let her leave tonight and needed to figure out away to get her to stay.

     "Tim, I think everyone should stay here tonight. Austin and Chance are passed out. We have extra tepees for you. I'll help carry the guys. I would feel better if Andie stayed here tonight," Silverhawk stated.

      "And where will Andie sleep?" Tim asked while watching Adam's reaction. He knew the news angered the man and his reaction told him that Adam did indeed care for her.

     "She can stay with me. I won't let anything happen to her."

     Andie then came stumbling over after consuming a lot more wine.

      "What's everyone talking about?," She slurred.

     "Well, with the guys passed out and being painted with silly objects, we've decided to stay the night. That way I don't have to ride two horses home like you wanted me to. Is that ok with you? You can stay with Adam," he said, waiting for her reaction. He almost started laughing when she grabbed his hand and asked where his tepee was.

      "Looks like Adam is the one in need of protecting right now," Tim laughed. 

     Adam couldn't help the grin and blush that showed up on his face. He led the tipsy woman to his tepee that was set off aways from the others.

      Silverhawk was laughing as he watched them. He knew Tim was a little concerned.

     "She's in good hands, Tim."

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