Chapter 20

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         Sami and Chance had rejoined the other riders. Sami caught up to Andie and rode beside her. Adam and Avi were riding near the wagon so that Tim could get to know Avi a little. Chance had rode up to Austin to talk, allowing Oleana to ride up to Andie and Sami. They were all ready to get home. The girls were thinking about having a cookout to celebrate a successful cattle drive.

       Avi was liking getting to know Tim. He was a smart, funny man. He didn't understand why he wasn't the one running everything. Avi liked women, but he felt that women shouldn't be handling business affairs. Adam was more open minded with things like that. They were both raised as Indians, but their ideas of a woman's place differed greatly. He had heard some stories from Silverhawke while Adam was away, but he wasn't sure if he believed them. He did believe the story about what happened twenty years ago. He just couldn't believe that this short, older woman could be as tough as she was supposed to be. He also noticed the way Adam kept watching her. There was definitely something about her. What happened next made him respect her.

      As they got closer to home, a couple of riders could be seen and a shot rang out. Andie yelled out a warning to everyone to take cover. She took out her .45, aimed it and hit both men. Avi stared in shock. He watched as Sami and Andie rode fast to the fallen men. He and Adam close behind. The two men were laying on the ground, wounded. Chance had caught up with them after he saw Sami go with Andie. They were shocked when they recognized Jimmy and Clyde from Los Angeles. Andie and Sami jumped off of their horses and grabbed their guns. Andie took out one of her knives and put it against Jimmy's neck.

        "What in the hell are you doing here? Who are you working for?"

        Clyde was able to get into a sitting position and said, "None of your business, bitch. All you need to know is we ain't in jail anymore and you need to pay for what happened." Sami walked up and kicked him hard in the chest, causing him to fall back.

      "I guess you men didn't learn your lesson back in Los Angeles. I think we need to tie them up and bring them back with us. What do you think, Adam?" Andie asked.

         "I think you're right. We need to interrogate them properly back at the ranch." As Adam got off his horse with some rope, Andie noticed Jimmy reaching for a hidden weapon in his boot. She quickly threw her knife, piercing his hand. Jimmy howled in pain. Adam looked at her and showed his thanks in his eyes. He pulled the weapon from the boot and handed it to Sami. Chance checked Clyde for any hidden weapons and also found a knife on him. Andie yanked the knife out of Jimmy's hand so that Adam could tie him up. Chance tied up Clyde.

      "You will pay for that, Bitch. I'm gonna have my way with you in front of your man here, then gut you like a pig." Adam slammed the man's head into the ground and growled at him. By this time Tim had pulled up with the others. He had heard the threat and wanted to join Adam in beating this guy senseless.

      "You threaten my woman again, you son of a bitch, I'll scalp this head of yours. Guess you didn't know that you were dealing with an Indian, did you?" 

      Chance glared at Clyde, daring him to threaten Sami. Clyde wisely kept his mouth shut. He had noticed Avi, who was dressed like an Indian still. He had run-ins with Indians before and he wasn't looking forward to another one. After both were tied up, Adam threw them into the back of the wagon. Tim had Jenika take over the reins while he kept watch over the prisoners. Tim barely had his anger under control. When Jimmy started to talk again, Tim pistol whipped him and knocked him out. Chance hugged Sami, making sure that she was ok. He was proud of the way she handled the situation. The man was stupid trying to take her on. Andie hugged Adam. He was thankful that she was so observant and quick on the draw otherwise he might have been injured badly. Avi was beyond shocked. He never would've believed it if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes. The women from his tribe were more docile and let the men handle everything. These women didn't do that. They were willing to fight alongside their men. He found that the idea appealed to him. Now if only he could find a woman like that. Everyone got back on their horses to finish their journey home. Andie and Adam just wanted to relax. For as short a trip as this one had been, there had been more problems than they normally had. About an hour later the ranch came into view. Sami, Andie, and Oleana looked at each other and took off in a race, saying that the last one has to supply the drinks. The men just shook their heads. Adam and Chance took off after them. Austin and Avi stayed with Jenika in case Tim had any trouble with the prisoners.

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