Chapter 15

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       They all woke up early the next morning to get an earlier start because of the heat. They were hoping to get to their destination by the next day or the day after. Adam wanted to keep Andie by his side after yesterday. There had been at least three attempts on her life since he has met her. He wasn't taking any more chances on this drive. He hoped they would get there soon.

       "Adam, I know you are worried about me but yesterday was just a freak accident. I'm ok."

     They hadn't told her about the discussion they had while the women were sleeping. It would've only stressed her out. Tim had said that she needed to stay focused on the job at hand. Adam reluctantly agreed but hated keeping anything from her. He believed in keeping no secrets from your mate. That's what causes distrust. He only hoped she would understand if she found out. Tim had laughed at him and said that she would. She trusts that if there is a good enough reason to keep something from her, depending on the circumstance, she is ok with it. Adam thought that was strange reasoning.

       "I know, love. It's just that I can't stop thinking about what could've happened if I hadn't reached you in time." He looked over at her and she saw the love and worry in his eyes. She pulled her horse closer to his and leaned over to give him a quick kiss. And to to whisper that she couldn't wait to get her hands on him again, sliding her hand up his thigh while giving him a seductive look. He moaned a little as he felt his body react. He closed his eyes briefly to get his thoughts under control. He whispered back. "Do that again and I'll pull you onto my horse and drag you off some where. Or maybe ride behind that wagon where nobody can see us. I can ravage you on horseback."

      "That sounds intriguing. We will definitely try that some time. I can just imagine how the movement from the horse can impact the rhythm while riding you." She laughed as he glared  at her. She looked down and noticed his problem. She knew that she had just made it worse with that remark. Before he could grab her, she rode over to Tim. He silently cursed and swore that he would do just that to her before the day was out. She was going to be in for a shock. He had never done it on horseback but some of his friends in the tribe had. He had listened to them in fascination. It sounded impossible but he would try it. He wondered if she had brought a regular riding habit with her. (A riding habit was usually a skirt and blouse women wore back then.)

       Andie rode up next to Tim and Jenika.

       "So, Tim, how many miles do you think we will cover today?"

       "I think we will make more progress today. We left earlier than usual and we are leaving the valley. The heat shouldn't be as bad once we get out of this valley." 

       "Jenika, I just have to tell you that I think that you have handled yourself well since joining us. Our way of life isn't always easy and we work as hard as we play. You have adapted well. I also wanted to thank you for making my little brother happy. He is always worrying about me when he doesn't need to and it's good to see him smile more."

        "Thanks, Andie. That means a lot coming from you. I feel more at home with this group than I ever did in town. I think it's the way you all treat others. You don't judge anyone by their lifestyles. You actually take the time to get to know someone. Tim also makes me happy. He is an easy man to love." Tim looked over at her in shock.

       "You love me?" They had never said the words yet and he couldn't believe that she just admitted that to his sister.

      "Of course I do, you silly man."

      "Looks like you have something to discuss, Tim. You better let her know that you feel the same or I'll have to bend you over my knee like I did when we were teenagers."

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