"Oh thank god I thought that was just me." Benny sighs in relief, Mary chuckles.

"I thought it was just me too. I mean, we're good, like there's nothing wrong. Right?"

"Of course, yeah."

"So then what is it?" Mary asks.

Benny shrugs, "I don't know."

She smiles and nudges his arm, "how about you talk about something? Anything you want. I mean you heard me go on about my life, so, it's only fair."

Benny grins, "okay."


"Alright, here's the big question, the one to end all debates."

Mary chuckles as her and Benny stand in the store isle while he holds up two different bags of chips, a mischievous smile spread on his face. "Alright, lay it on me, Weir." Mary says.

"Which one is better, BBQ or sour cream and onion?" He asks.

"Hmmm, this is tough." Mary replies, tapping her finger against her chin as if she was in deep thought about the question.

"Mary, if you say sour cream and onion you will be dead to me." Benny states while squinting his eyes at her.

Mary laughs, "I guess I'll say BBQ."

"Yes, alright you are safe." Benny says with a smile and puts the chip bag in the kart. "Benny, put them back I can't afford them." Mary sighs.

"I'll buy them for you then." Benny says with a shrug.

"You don't have to do that."

"But I want to."


He smirks towards her, "I'm not letting you argue with me right now." Mary raises her eyebrows at him, but he refuses to budge. She sighs, giving up, "Fine. Thank you." Benny grins, "good. Now, what's next on this list?"

"Uhhh..." Mary pulls the list out, "next is pasta. Then bread, which is in this isle."

"Okay, I'll go run and grab the pasta, you get the bread." He smiles then quickly walks away. Mary chuckles and shakes her head, continuing down the isle.

"Well hello there."

Mary turns to see a tall, slightly good looking guy at least two years older than her, standing behind her with a sly grin on his face. Mary politely smiles back, "hi."

"What's your name, gorgeous?"

Mary clears her throat, 'Benny you better hurry up with that pasta.' "Uh, Molly."

"Jake. Listen, doll-face, I'm just gonna cut to the chase; you wanna leave here together? Maybe get some dinner or something?" He says with a nauseating wink.

Mary nearly gags. "Um, no that's okay, thanks. I have a boyfriend, actually. So..."

"So? He doesn't have to know." Jake shrugs, taking a small step towards her. Mary steps back, "Really, dude, I'm not interested." He lifts one of his clammy hands and grabs Mary's, "awe come on, don't be such a prude."

"Dude, let go." She says, attempting to pull her hand away.

"Hey! Get your hands off my girlfriend." Benny snaps behind Jake, taking him by his collar and pulling him away from Mary. "Whoa, alright, easy there, man. I mean come on, she was asking for it." Jake pleads, gesturing to Mary.

Mary crosses her arms across her chest, fighting back tears. Usually stuff like this didn't bother her that much, but after what happened with Evil Benny, it felt worse.

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