I hear footsteps come closer to me, and C/N tilts my face up to his, whispering, "Keep them closed."

I then feel some material being wrapped around my eyes, and Corpse ties it at the back of my head. I bite my lip, wondering what the hell he is up to.

"Is this a new fetish you've got or something?" I ask, unable to help my mind from going there.

"No," C/N chuckles, "Though I have to admit, seeing you with a blindfold does turn me on a bit. Maybe we should start using it."

My mouth falls open, and my face seems to catch fire.

I hear Corpse laughing quietly and then he walks away, back to the kitchen where he placed whatever it was on the counter.

I hear a beep, and recognize it as the recording sound of a phone camera. Why is he recording me?

"Okay, Y/N. I'm gonna give you different items of things I went shopping for today. You've gotta guess what it is."

I nod, "Okay..."

"Hold your hands out, love." Corpse says, and I do.

First, I feel what is undoubtedly some kind of fruit. I run my hands along the surface and feel the rough, round surface.

"Easy. That's an orange." I say.

"Yep, well done. Next..."

He places something heavier on my palms now, and I begin to feel around.
This time, I don't need to do much.

"Banana." I say.

"Well done. Okay, last thing now."

I hear him scramble around in the cupboards, then walk back over to me. I feel his presence close to me now, and he leans over me a bit.

Carefully, he places the next thing out on my palms.

"Ow! What is that?" I say, jumping at a sharp, needle like pain that spread across in four different places on my hands.
"Don't tell me you've got a cat."

"Not a cat, no... Try feeling around."

I do as he says, and feel soft legs. It's definitely an animal. I feel big paws on my hands, and the weight of the creature shifts as it lies down on my lap. My hand travels along its back, then to its face, where immediately feel ears and a long snout.

I gasp, and before I can do anything, Corpse has removed my blindfold. Sitting on my lap is the cutest German Shepherd puppy, it's tongue hanging out of its mouth in excitement as it wags it's tail happily.

"Oh. My. Fucking. God." I stare, dumbfounded. "You did not go out and buy me a dog.

Corpse smiles, he face lighting up, and he leans down quickly to draw me into a tight hug. The puppy shifts and licks his neck as he hugs me, and C/N chuckles.

I look down at the puppy and stroke it, grinning.

"It's so cute..."

"It's a boy. What shall we name him?" Corpse asks, smiling down at the happy puppy.

"Hmm...What about Bear?" I ask.

Corpse grins, "I love it. C'mon, Bear - let's get your toys out to play with."

I stand up, my legs shaking with happiness. I can't believe it. We have a puppy.

C/N turns back to face me, walking over to me and pulling me against him. "Thank you so much, baby." I say against the crook of his neck.

"I have one condition." Corpse says, kissing my jaw. "Don't give him all your love. I need some too."


A/N - I hope you're all okay with the dog breed and name. I read all the comments and two people said Bear for the name, so I decided on that. And the most wanted breed was a German Shepherd!

This chapter made me depressed to write because I will never find someone to be happy with like this because nobody ever wants me lmao. Gonna be alone forever but it's fine because I have my fictional men to get me through the pain 😏

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