Chapter 4

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Y/N's Perspective ~

I get the Discord notification and stress out majorly. I have no idea what to reply. Not only have I just played Among Us with a really popular faceless YouTuber, but now he's messaging me.


I eventually type a message in reply,

IsolatedRaven - Hey Corpse! How are you?

Corpse Husband - I'm good thanks. Just finished packing boxes and the only thing left to pack is my pc and streaming shit.

IsolatedRaven - Ooh nice! Where abouts are you actually moving to in the UK?

I decide to ask him, wondering whether it'll be near me.

Corpse Husband - I think it's just in the Lake District. It's a really rural area which is great for me haha.

IsolatedRaven - Oohh that sounds so nice! I live in the Lake District! Also I don't really like to use discord unless it's for a call so maybe we could talk by DM's on Insta or smth?

Corpse Husband - Damn. Sorry my DM's are always fucked. But you could just have my number? If you're comfortable with that ofc?

I almost throw my phone.

Corpse. Fricking. Husband. Has just asked if I wanted his number.

How could I say no?!

IsolatedRaven - Sure! That'd be epic. But only if you're comfy with that too!

Corpse Husband - It's literally no problem. Here:

He sends me the phone number and I immediately input it into my contacts, setting the name with a black heart emoji after the name "Corpse".

I send him a message.

Hey it's just me. Raven :)

Corpse replies quickly.

Hey :))

Even him messaging me a simple hello is enough to make my heart reverberate right out of my chest.

What is this man doing to me?

I don't reply straight away, I'm too busy going to my gallery and finding the album titled "Corpse Husband", which is filled with 271 images and videos of Corpse and fanart. Not to mention the hand pictures.

(A/N - Totally not me.)

I feel myself blushing. Literally the guy with the world's hottest hands has given me his number and is messaging me–

Am I hallucinating? I must be dreaming.

The stream was so fun.

I type out, after catching myself fangirling too hard and forcing myself away from staring at his hand pictures.

It really was.

Corpse replies, and I grin at his fast reply.

Well I'd love to talk more, but it's getting late for me.

I type, realising it's pitch black outside now.

What time is it for you in the UK?

Corpse asks.

It's like almost 1am, oops!

I send.

Damn. It's gonna be so weird moving away and having everything 8 hours faster haha.

Corpse says, and I smile as I read the message.

Maybe I'll be able to actually watch your streams then. Because we'll be in the same time zone so it won't be at ridiculous hours in the morning for me lol xD

Yeah haha. Anyway, please go get some rest. Night night :)

I blush at the message from Corpse and smile, practically hugging my phone to my chest, before I decide that it's probably time to actually get to sleep and stop fangirling over him.

My dreams are overcast with thoughts of meeting up in person with Corpse, and talking to him in person. i.e. things that will never happen.

One can dream, right...?


A/N - A shortish chapter this time. Mainly just a filler. Let me know any scenes and ideas you might want me to include! Obviously I presume you've all guessed what is gonna happen, I think it's quite obvious lol.

I hope you're enjoying - votes and comments are much appreciated! I'd love to hear what you guys think of it so far! <3

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