Chapter 7

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A/N -
y/h/c = your hair colour
y/e/c = your eye colour
Just in case any of you didn't know in advance!

Corpse's Perspective ~

"Hey–" I say to the masked girl, whose y/h/c hair whips across her face in the slight breeze that drafts in through the open door.  I see her stare in shock, and immediately know that it's my voice that made her frightened. The only thing I can see is her hair and gorgeous y/e/c eyes that are doing everything but looking remotely near me.

She looks like she's about to faint.

"Woah– Are you ok?" I ask her as she clutches the doorframe to steady herself, before she looks into my eyes for the second time.

She coughs quietly, and straightens up a little taller as she says, "Sorry. I– Uh–" before stuttering to a halt.

My eyes widen with shock.

That voice. I've heard it before.

No wonder she acted like she has.

"....Raven??" I ask carefully, stuffing my ringed hands into my pockets in awkwardness.

She nods solemnly and I grin under my mask, breathing heavily with shock and excitement.

"Sorry I reacted like that–" Raven says, shyly playing with her small rings.

I pull my mask down, and smile as warmly as I possibly can. I've missed talking to her, and now I get to speak with her every day for the rest of my life (as long as we both live here for that long).

"I– I never thought much about who my new neighbour would be...but when you said you were moving I did secretly hope you'd be the one to move in, I just tried not to believe it would be true..." She says innocently, taking her mask down.

Her full lips reflect the sunlight that shines through the dappled leaves and I think about what it would be like to kiss them.

Woah– Corpse, chill...

She smiles and my heart melts. It seeps into a lovable mess on the stone steps beneath me, trickling away...

"Corpse." She says, and opens the door a bit further and steps slightly closer.

Something about her saying my name - well, my YouTube name - is just magical.
I can't help but grin widely.

I seek her approval by nodding my head slightly to the side, asking if I'm allowed to come closer. When she gives a small nod my heart overloads with butterflies, and I can't help what I do next.

I step towards her, standing on the doormat into her house now, and wrap my arms around her waist, pulling her into me in a relaxing, tight hug.

"It's been so long since I've hugged anyone." I say, resting my chin on her shoulder carefully.

"Me too." Raven replies, and I can feel her hands gripping the back of my hoodie, tightly seeking warmth that both of us have longed to feel for so long.

We finally break apart, and I look into her eyes before taking a step back onto the stone outside the front door.

"Do you...want to stay for a tea? Experience the greatness of British culture?" She says jokingly, fumbling with her oversized, knitted jumper, embarrassed.

"I would love to– But I really should unpack. There's a fuck tonne of boxes I need to get through, and I want time to chill and settle down for a while with all my shit unpacked. Ya know?" I say to her, seeing her face drop a little.

"I..could come and help unpack? I'm pretty good at interior design. Well, I am on Animal Crossing anyway." She chuckles.

I chuckle and smile widely, "That would be such a great help, Raven." I reply, and I see Raven nod before she jogs into her house and gets her shoes and coat, before jogging all the way back to the front door. She steps out of her slippers and slips her feet into some pumps and ties them quickly, before pushing her coat over her arms and then locking the door after she steps out.

Raven turns to face me, and smiles as she lets me lead the way to my cottage just a few metres down the lane.


~ Time skip ~

Y/N's Perspective ~

I fumble through one of Corpse's boxes. This one is full of his clothes. A smooth, soft, black material catches my eye, and I clasp my hands around it, happy to feel the comforting touch against my fingers. I pull it out from underneath the heap of suffocating clothes and hold it up. It's just a plain black hoodie, but it smells so good.

Smells of Corpse.

I smile, inhaling the scent of him, and bundle it up against my chest, savouring the feel of the beautifully soft fabric.

I hear a creaking noise behind me, and the familiar deep murmur, "That's one more box done–" and he cuts off when he sees my standing there, face as red as a tomato, clutching his hoodie to my chest.

I must look like such an idiot.

Corpse laughs, and his smile is enough to make me go over there and hug him straight away. There's slight dimples in his cheeks, which I never would've thought having just hearing his voice over a call.

There's so much more to him then I ever could've believed.

"Keep it."

The sound of his soft, yet still deep, voice catches me off guard, and I look down at the bundle of cloth in my palms. I completely forgot I had it in my hands, due to the fact I was too absorbed in Corpse's looks.


"R–Really?" I stutter, and smooth the fabric over in my hands. I immediately attempt to take off my t-shirt, but then gasp as I see Corpse staring at me.

I can't do that. Not in front of him.

So I just decide to slip the hoodie over my already thick jumper, just hoping I don't overheat.

Corpse smiles, "It suits you." Before turning away, without another word, to continue unpacking, leaving me stood there like a weirdo, an intense blush creeping up my cheeks. 


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