Chapter 18

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Corpse's Perspective ~


First game and I'm already impostor. With the child - TommyInnit. I can practically hear his screaming through the muted mic, and cringe.

"Nice, manifesting an Impostor win for us." I speak quietly to my chat, smiling as we start the game in the Skeld map.

I wander around to navigation, where I fake a download task next to Y/N.

She dances around me and I vent in front of her after Jack leaves the room.

I can just imagine her either freaking out or laughing hysterically. She's so cute.

I shake my head, then chuckle and vent into Admin, where I notice my kill cool down has finished and I slice Toasts body.

"Okay..." I try to think, as I vent away into shields after checking the coast is clear.

Suddenly, a body gets reported. Y/N's body.

I cry out, unmuted, "Noo! Not Raven!"

I practically slap myself as I almost say Y/N. Luckily nobody seems to notice.

I get a text through, "Chat, she's just text me..." I chuckle, as I unlock my phone and read the text.


I snort with laughter, and tell chat what she said, which they then spam "she's so cute" and "poor Raven".

I type back a quick message, practically ignoring everyone in the voice call.

Lmao. You'll be ok.
Anyway, that plan I was talking about...


Y/N's Perspective ~

I am happy C/N and I are both comfortable with this 'plan', but I can't help worrying about what some fans might think.
We were planning the big opportunity at the end of stream.

This is our last game.

I'm Impostor with Corpse.

I smile and say to chat, "Yay, finally an Impostor round."

I walk into admin and fake my card swipe, and corpse follows me. I smile at the sight of his little among us character, and just melt at the thought of being with him. It feels so surreal that we're actually a couple now...

I kill Tommy, getting revenge for the first round of the lobby, and grin ruthlessly. "That'll teach you, child!"

After a rather long round, we win.

We all unmute and Jack says, "I knew it was you two! You make such a good team."

I smile, unable to prevent the blush that seeps across my face.

That's when our plan comes into play.

Corpse chuckles, "Maybe it's the chemistry between us. It just makes us unstoppable."

I laugh, "I mean..." I try not to break out into a nervous breakdown as I prepare myself for what happens next.

"Guys, we have something to tell you all..." I say.

"Raven and I are officially dating..." Corpse takes the words right out of my mouth, obviously noticing my quietness.

And with that, I say "Bye chat! Cause chaos!"

And just end the stream.

Corpse does the same.

We talk with our friends for a while, and they all say we make a really cute couple and how they'd love to meet up with us, etc...

I'm so grateful for having such supportive friends.

Not to mention the best boyfriend of all time.


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