Chapter One

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In The Barn Office
Ty is sitting in the office when Amy walks in.
"Hey, I've been thinking about what you said....about the box..." Ty said sighing.
"Well, the truth is...when I first found out about it...I was actually excited. I mean...maybe there's something that makes me feel better about my dad. There's some kind of feeling I'd get every time he came back into my know how that turned out," Said Ty sadly.
"Yeah, No I get it, You don't want him to hurt you anymore and that's fine. We can throw it out together," Said Amy, understandingly.
"No Amy, I've changed my mind. I want to open it," Said Ty.
"You're sure?" Asked Amy, softly.
"Yeah, I am. I mean maybe I just want to punish myself more...or maybe it's the fact that I know, no matter what's in that box, nothing can change how good we have it. Let's open the damn thing!" Said Ty, confidently.
Ty opens up the box and sees photos and a birth certificate and a missing person poster . He pulls it out and reads it.
"Who's Ryder Queen?" Asked Amy, confused.
Ty's looking at the photos on the poster in shock and disbelief.
"Th-that's me..." Ty admits in disbelief.
"How??" Asked Amy confused.
"I need to call my mom...if that's who she really is," Said Ty, confused.
Ty pulls his phone out and walks out the door.

In The Ranch House
Amy walks in the door where Tim, Jack and Lou are standing.
"Amy what's wrong?" Asked Lou, worried.
"Uhh...Ty opened that box of his dads," Amy said.
"Is he okay?" Asked Jack, concerned.
"We found this," Said Amy as she hands Jack the missing child's poster.
"And who's this?" asked Jack, confused.
"It's Ty," said Amy.
"What? No this says Ryder Queens an-" Tim started to say.
"Dad Ty said it's him!" Argued Amy.
"And he's sure?" Asked Jack.
"He's on the phone with Lily right now," Said Amy, worried.
Amy walks over and sits down.
"I never should've pushed him to open that box..." said Amy guilty.
"You didn't know," Said Lou, softly.
Suddenly Ty walks in.
"What'd Lily say?" Asked Amy, anxiously.
"It's true...that boy on's me...My dad...I mean I guess he not...He kidnapped me from my nursery..." Said Ty, upset.
Amy runs over and hugs Ty.
"I'm so sorry," Said Amy, softly.
"Did she say why?" Asked Lou.
Ty sighs.
"I guess they couldn't have kids and my mom...Lily really wanted one..." Said Ty, angry.
"So they just took you!?" Asked Tim, upset.
"And Brad?" Asked Jack.
"He...he was in it for...the money. He thought Lily would change her mind and that...he could just sell someone else...guess that explains why he was never really a dad to me....cause he didn't want me," Said Ty, angery.
"If you want to, there's a number, we can call your parents, I mean your real parents," Suggested Amy, softly.
"I-I don't even know what I'd say to them..." Said Ty at loss.
"Tell them the truth, Tell them you're son" Suggested Lou
"It's been twenty five years...what if they don't want me anymore, what if they've moved on," Said Ty, fearful.
"Ty, you're their son, they love you and they'll just be happy that you're alive and have life, trust me," Said Lou, softly.
Ty picks up the paper dails.
"Hi are you Jody Queen?" Asked Ty.
"Yes, who are you?" Asked the woman.
"My name Ty Borden and....I think I'm your son," Said Ty, fearful.
Ty walks out the door.

To be continued....

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