Keep your head up

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Originally this poem was made for my brother who was going through some things. It gave him hope and in some ways I hope this will hep you if you need it. -Amour

When things get rough

And everything seems tough

Keep your head up

Life is too short to be just reminiscing  

Just listen

Don’t forget about the past entirely

Move forward with purpose 

Although life might make you nervous

God puts us in these positions to better ourselves

Life can be nice, but sometimes it might make you upset

You’ll never be perfect

And that’s fine, accept it

To live, it’s worth it

I honestly feel like life is a mission

We live in all this tension

Where sluts are women

Drugs and war is an addiction

Where God is seen as nothing but a religion

Where parents and siblings collide

Where nations divide

You’re going to hit a few bumps in the road

Ignore the things you’ve been told 

Chase pointless things like money and gold

But God Forgives

You’re never alone

Our mission is to be the best we can be

To be a better person than our former selves

To help others around us 

Not to compete

It would be too late to realize when you’re 6 feet deep

The world glamorize things that will drag you to hell

Make you do actions that will bring you to jail

The devil wears a veil

Majority of the masses don’t know he is here

So don’t be ignorant and ignore what God gave you eyes to see

Get your life together 

Be the best you can be

That way one day you’ll be free

So, when things get rough

And everything seems tough

Keep your head up

Loving & following God is enough


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