chapter 12

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"okay what's the rush Bela?"

"Just take my hand and follow me"

I grab bela's hand and she dragged me all the way to the dungeon. I look at Bela confused. She rolled her eyes.

"Don't tell me you forget that I will help you control your hunger"

"Oh, right"

She sigh and took me to a cellar full of dead people's. There blood dance on my nose and I start to gulp.

She took an arm and put it closer to my face. I backed my face immediately at it.

"Woah woah take it easy Bela"

"No no, you must control it"

I went silent and look at the arm. The smell of blood keeps getting me hungrier. My mouth was shaking and I was sweating, my eyes starting to glow. Bela notice that I was losing control.

She pulled away the arm and I got back on my senses. She tilt here eyebrows at me and I scratch the back of my head while giving her an awkward laugh.

"Don't give me that laugh"

"Look I'm new to this so it's a little complicated for me"

"It's the same for me even now"

"What do you mean?"

"Your blood smells good than human blood"


She slowly walk closer to me and my instincts says to back out. She throw away the arm and smirks at me.

"Uhm Bela I'm starting to get scared"

"Cassandra can drink while I can't?"


I couldn't find an excuse to that.

"Bela you see I need a bucket of blood and in exchange she will have a drink of mine"

"That's not fair"

She gave me a pout and my heart just skip a beat. She suddenly pin me on the wall while I can feel her breath on my face.

"Bela we can talk about this"

"I'm sorry y/n but..."

She start to lick her lips.

"I can't take it anymore"

She was about to bite me when I transform into a pup. She got confused about it and had a chance to run.

Daniela said I can turn into a pup that's extra to my 2nd form. Of course my running was just fast as a pup. Bela can catch up to me.

When I reach the hall, I turn back and pop my wolf ears and tails so that I can have wolf speed and hearing.

I hid on a room and I can heard the buzzing outside the room. I heard her calling me.

"Y/n just give me a chance please~"


"Oh we're playing hide in seek now?"


"Fine if I find you I'll drink your blood, if not then your lucky~"

She stop on the hall where the room I was hiding was. I start to sweat and my anxious went high.

I'm not ready for another bite, when Cassandra bit me it's hurts like hell but kinda felt good...either way I must avoid being bitten to them.

I didn't hear anything as I thought she was gone. I was about to open the door when it suddenly open revealing Bela.

I run to the other side of the door and run from her. She started chasing me and I kept running but I suddenly start to have fun of this chasing.

I smiled at her.


"Game on lycan~"

With that I stop running and turn to face her. she stop and ready her stance at me. We both smiled as we're circling around being aware.

I start to make a move first. I rush through her and jump to catch her. She dodge me but I manage to avoid falling.

She decided to charge at me and I dodge her. She accidentally notice that she was gonna fall on the stairs. I immediately pulled her hand and hugged her as we both fall on the ground.

After the falling. Bela escape my grip and check on me.

"Lycan are you alright?"


Bela sigh in relief knowing I was fine. Suddenly we notice our position. Bela was on top of me and I can clearly she how beautiful she was like her sisters.

We stayed silent for a moment before we snap back to reality. Bela get off me and I sat up.

"I guess I loss"

"Your bleeding"

I took bela's hand and saw it bleeding but it was starting to heal.

"I guess its because of the fall"


I unbutton my top button showing my collarbones. Bela looked at me and I nod at her letting her drink my blood.

She slowly get closer to my neck. She lick my neck before taking a bite on it. I kinda hiss but it's more fine than when I was human.

After that she pulled away licking the blood on her lips. She look at me directly at my eyes.

"You know I never showed many emotion's to anyone except for my family and you"

"What's that supposed to mean"

"It means that you gain my trust lycan"

"Then I'll make sure to treasure it"

She smiled at me and I smiled back before standing up and offering my hand on her. She take my hand and I pulled her up.

We walk on the hall while talking and laughing. We part ways when we reach her room. She open the door and look at me once more.

"Good night lycan~"

She said flirtarously before closing the door of her room. While walking to my room I hid my face on my hand. My heart beating so fast.

Not noticing the person on my room.

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