The mud beneath our feet turned to unstable mush causing more accidents. Blood coating practically every surface from the ground to the entrances of every tent. The cream sheets stained with the blacks, browns and reds of human blood. The screams were almost as painful to endure than the smell that clung to my nostrils.

Thick plumes of smoke rose in the distance, at first I think it might be a fire caused by Iagan and Ginerva, but it doesn't take long to remember they never touched this camp and that the fire is for a different purpose. It's far enough away that you'd think its smell wouldn't reach the camp. I try to avert my attention to something else and avoid thinking about the fire in the distance, burning the flesh of lost souls and clearing space for more humans.

I hesitate for a few more moments, taking in the carnage left by the Montesere warriors. I stop and let the pained faces of the helpless wounded chip away pieces of my heart whilst I stand completely healthy and unharmed. Privileged.

I make a promise to not pressure any human to accept my help. As Rhys said last time, the people who won't accept my help don't deserve to waste my time.

Finally moving my feet, the crowd pushing me off course a few times, I head toward the largest tent- the healer's tent.


The sun finally touches the horizon and Lucien runs into the room announcing the news and in no time at all, the Illyrian warriors and helping fae take to the skies.

We fly low to the waters so as not to alert any Montesere guards watching the borders.

Convincing Rhys to let me come along was easy enough, but trying to get Alirra to also join, not so easy. I tried the whole 'she can heal the kidnapped humans' and he liked the idea enough to ask another healer to join. Ali, though, had to stay in the main human camp considering she's 'the best healer he has'.

I soon dropped the case, after throwing a child-like tantrum, and returned to the main task at hand which was running through every possible fault in the plan and coming up with a way to avoid it.

I promised Rhys I knew the Montesere lands like the back of my hand and he trusts me, I can't let him down. So I guide the Night court fae through the skies skilfully enough to keep them hidden so we can land on its borders.

Reaching my parents house was a breeze- getting inside their barriers made my heart pound in my ears. They have every right to kill us if we're caught and every right to make my death extra painful for returning twice after being banned. I don't fear death ; I do fear dying too soon- if that's any different, you can decide. Dying by the hands of my parents is another fear entirely.

Montesere's borders have magic from stopping intruders. A wall that they only remove for events like the ball with the Night court. You could say my parents aren't exactly open to the idea of visitors. However, this wall happens to be something only Montesere ruler descendants and family by blood can control.

It takes quite a bit of my energy to open a gap in their wall large enough for each warrior to walk through, flying would be too out-in-the-open, but I don't let a single person see its effects. The breach in the barrier hopefully won't alert Iagan or Ginerva, perhaps the whole blood thing will prevent that. This was a worry of mine I didn't want Rhys to know about. Letting him believe the plan- my plan- is totally fool-proof is better than letting him over-stress enough to let his guard down.

The Illyrians split into smaller groups- lead by either Rhys, Cas, Feyre, Az or myself- and stumble through the forest that outlines their land. These trees were designed to lose the paths of any intruders that actually managed to get past the powerful border around their house– like I said, not fond of visitors. Luckily for us, my promise about memorising the land is kept and each tree and boulder, that might've had Rhys and his Illyrians stumbling helplessly for days, tells me exactly where I need to go next.

We reach the grey stone walls of my childhood home and my palms begin to sweat and my ears ring from the distractingly loud pounds of my heartbeat. The things that could go wrong, the very things Rhys would be worrying about if I'd told him, are making my mind whirl and vision blur.

I pull myself together best I can as Rhysand's familiar figure appears at my side, questioning my next move.

I turn to the crowd of Illyrians behind me and open my mouth to form my command. My jaw hangs in its position. Anger, guilt and hatred filling me to the core. Rhys turns to see what has me in a state with my hands clenched at my sides and eyes glued above the soldiers.

He tenses instantly beside me and Feyre beside him. I feel like a dog who betrayed his master, for failing at leading Rhys's warriors safely into their lands.

Hovering above the Illyrian heads, as if floating on the starry night herself, Ginerva.

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