monologue: the second one

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I am what I am, you are what you are. I could never be someone else no matter how hard I tried, right? I feel like I was saying it last night. I was thinking about it this morning when he left but tonight when he came back, I forgot about it again and give him a welcoming smile.

Familiar coffee stains in a gray jacket as always. Our reflection is in the store window. Our bare reflection. I want to keep seeing it, I didn't want it to end.

"Stay with me." I would say every time he came knocking on the midnight's door. Because deep inside I know, that season when I was begging him not to go home is right in front of me but still, this selfish and stupid heart wouldn't listen.

"Stay with me." the future me, saying my favourite phrase and drowning in my loneliness alone after he left.

Even though it hurts, I still want to embrace our time and still remembered to cherish it. Like the record needle played the same melody over and over again, I still open the door for him every time he knocks.

Crush is different from love. Am I in love? I feel like he was saying it last night.

"We should stop this." He said and I smile because I know. His heart drifted further when the second winter comes. Looking back, I always felt it. I just ignored it because soon, he will prove it to me that I was right, all this time.

Then there's no more midnight's knocks. No more coffee stains. No more reflection on the window. No more us.

He never came back and there was a hole in my heart. Who am I supposed to blame? It's not his fault nor his wife. I'm completely on my own.

I stepped on the fire, aware that I would get burnt.

This is how it feels like to be the second one.


i don't know what I wrote but I kinda like it, thanks to cheriefics for the song recommendation, it's indeed inspired me :) hope you enjoy!

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