Highschool Sweetheart pt. 1

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highschool au! when you keep rejecting his confession, as a cold girl

The chattering grow louder as time goes by and you know that he's going to be here soon. You look up to meet you best friend's eyes for few seconds until he notices that you were staring.

"What?" Yoongi muttered short and cold.

"He's going to be here soon." you replied and do a quick scan at the crowd before landed your gaze back on him. "Wear this." you gave your favourite scrunchie to Yoongi and he inhales deeply before wear it on his wrist without any question.

This is how both of you converse most of the time, less words and more action. You and Yoongi has been friend since so long. Some people said it's because of your personality that match each other and you think that it's true. You're basically 'the cold girl' while Yoongi is 'the cold guy' in school. New people would believe that both of you were dating but in fact, you two are just best friends.

"Good morning, sweetcheeks! You looks amazing like always." the familiar loud and cheerful voice fills your ears and that's when you know that he's here. Him with his tons of nicknames for you.

"Jung, I told you to stop call me those nicknames." you replied while looking at him for less than two seconds before breaking the eye contact.

"And I told you too, I wouldn't- in fact, I can't. You're too adorable to get a basic nickname, pumpkin." He laughs it off, as if he's having the best day of his life.

"Hoseok, the Mr. Jae called you." someone interrupted him and he nods vividly before turn to you.

"See you soon, sweet one. I'm so excited for this trip." He muttered before patting your head softly and left the scene.

That's Jung Hoseok, the highschool sweetheart. The kindest and sweetest soul in school that everyone adores, from teacher to students and even the school’s guards and entire neighbourhood if possible. He's literally an angel for everyone. He never holds guts toward anyone, even though for those bullies who pull a prank on him once. He forgives and forgets fast. He's a good friend, a fun classmate, the best son for his parents. He's as warm and as bright as sunshine, a total opposite from you.

"You like him, don't you?" Yoongi's voice interrupt your thought as you look up to him, a little surprise at his sudden statement.

"What?" Just in case you got them wrong, you asked him to repeat but Yoongi just sat up from his previous position and does a little stretching.

"I don't even know why you needed my help to be your fake boyfriend when you know damn well that you have feelings for him too." He added and you mirror his action next, standing up and face him.

"Did I hear it correctly? Stop talking non-sense, Yoon. Let's go to the bus." you fake a chuckle and about to turn around but stopped when you remember something. "And don't try to take it off, you need to wear it until he notices it." you added, while the man behind you just roll his eyes and nods.

Inside the bus,

Unfortunately, you and Yoongi goes to a different bus which makes you frown at the thought of being alone through the whole trip. It's true that you two didn't converse much but you feel the most comfortable when you're with him. The reason you're being cold with everyone else was because you didn't know how to interact and make friends with new people. You have trust issue since you lost your girl best friend years ago because of a stupid misunderstanding.

Ever since then, you turned cold and having issue to socialize with new people. You feel uncomfortable and anxious around them, that's why you rather to spend your time alone.

This time too, you choose the front seat where no one prefer. Everyone prefers to sit at the back area, it's the most wanted spot fill with outgoing and popular kids. You didn't mind them, as long as they mind their own business. Few minutes has passed, you decided to wear your earphone and play your favourite to music to kill time. Little did you know, you fell asleep even before the first song come to end. All thanks to your anxieties and insomnia that keep you up all night.

Your head was about to hit the window next to you when someone's palm make it through between your head and the window. Your head hit his soft and warm palm instead. Once he makes sure that you're still fast asleep, he sat down beside you carefully and watching you fall asleep on his shoulder peacefully.

He smiles widely, adoring your flawless features, just if you know how much he likes you.

"Jung Hoseok, what are you doing?"

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