Chapter 15 The Past

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In The Bath

Y/n and Sephie were sitting next to each other in the large pool. The atmosphere felt a little tense since the 2 didn't say anything after Sephie entered the pool.

The were just sitting idly as the atmosphere got more and more tense until Sephie finally broke it.

Sephie: Thank you, Y/n.

Y/n seemed confused.

Y/n: Why are you thanking me?

Sephie: *giggle*What else? You saved both Momo and Nana from that creep.

Sephie looks down at the water with a sad look.

Sephie: And yet I didn't appreciate your kindness. No one did. Even though you were the one that saved them.

Y/n: *smiles*I don't need you anyone to thank me. In fact, you are the last person in the universe that needs to thank me.

Sephie: That doesn't matter. You saved my daughters. The least I can do is show a bit of my gratitude.

Y/n: You granted me a new life. A second chance. When no one else would, you stepped in. For that, you can count on me any time.

Sephie: *smiles*Yes, I remember it very clearly even to this day. How about you?

Y/n: There's no way I would forget something like that.

Many Years Ago

Y/n was flying through space, however his expression is far different compared to the present Y/n. His eyes looked dead inside, his expression was cold and it seemed like he was searching for something or more specifically someone.

He was passing by a planet when he saw a ship. A ship that he recognized. The ship that belonged to that man.

His expression went from cold to one filled with rage and his eyes were filled with hatred

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His expression went from cold to one filled with rage and his eyes were filled with hatred.

He quickly flew over to it. Since he was so fast the ship's defense mechanism couldn't warn the crew in time. When he got close to it, he transformed into an Talpaeden.

 When he got close to it, he transformed into an Talpaeden

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⏰ Última atualização: Sep 02, 2021 ⏰

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