"Where'd you go to high school?"

"Ah, ah, ah," Sophia wagged her finger at me. "Why don't you tell me, smart guy?"

"Sorry?" I wasn't expecting that.

"Don't tell me you can't do it," she arched an eyebrow, lips twisting mischievously. Now she was challenging me. I liked it.

A lot.

"Fine," I folded my arms, this would be easy, "you went to Brookline High."

"I didn't tell you that."

"I know." I grinned, "But I'm right aren't I?"

"It's possible."

"You hate admitting I'm right, don't you?"

"How did you know?"

No one's ever asked me that before. Most people just think it's weird. Or like a fun party trick to pull out at social gatherings. Others think it's creepy. But no one has ever asked me how I do it.

I shrugged, "I guess I just notice things."

Sophia rolled her eyes, "Are you secretly from the BAU?"

She likes Criminal Minds. I thought to myself, cataloguing it away in the growing folder of my information on this intriguing girl. That explained the murder mysteries. Assuming she was attracted to males, which Danny had given me 85% odds on, she probably thought one of the leads was attractive. I pegged her as a Spencer Reid girl, but she could have deep seated daddy issues, which pointed to Aaron Hotchner. Maybe I was reading too much into things and she really only watched the show for that blonde one, or the one played by Paget Brewster. Either way, I looked nothing like Matthew Gray Gubler or whatever actor played Aaron Hotchner, so it didn't help me much.

I think she liked me though. Even if I didn't look like Matthew Gray Gubler. My intuition was usually right, but with her, I don't know. I knew how to flirt. I knew what to say to make a girl like me. Sophia was just— different. She surprised me. And it took a lot to surprise me.

Sophia surprised me.

I hadn't asked her about her relationship status yet. I hadn't figured it out either. Or maybe I just hadn't tried. I wasn't entirely sure I wanted to know. If that guy on her screensaver was her boyfriend— well it might break me just a little bit.

The thing was, I'd never met someone like her before. She was funny, really truly funny. Talking with her wasn't awkward and I wasn't always thinking one step ahead. I was just being myself. It had never been so easy to be myself.

"You caught me," I hung my head in fake dejection. "Now you've blown my cover."

"Seriously, though," she asked again, "how'd you do it?"

Before I could answer, the plane jerked violently. The ride had not been smooth since takeoff, but this instance was particularly jarring. For more than one reason. Sophia's hand closed over mine, and this time, she didn't let go.

I trained my eyes on the seat in front of me, not wanting to make any sudden movements lest I scare her off. Her fingers were soft, and I had to resist the urge to interlace them with my own. Calm, calm, be calm Jake. Stay calm. I snuck a glance at her expression.

Her complexion had paled, and I could see her teeth digging into her bottom lip so hard I was afraid she'd draw blood. The plane jerked again and she let out a little gasp. Without thinking too much about it, I squeezed her hand gently. I know I probably shouldn't have, but somehow I felt she needed it.

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