Chapter 20 : Weak secrets

Start from the beginning

  "I think it's quite straightforward!" Heather cheered, putting on some oversized glasses, " 'Sometimes people mistake me for a criminal' obviously means that we are all scary!"

  "Wait... I didn't get that message..." Nick staggered, stealing back his glasses from the hyper heather.

  "Same here, my one was 'I still pee the bed"..."  Alice smirked, trying not to laugh.

  Maggie stared directly at the ceiling, "Well... maybe it's a fact about our partners..."

  Topher stopped brushing his hair to listen into Maggie, "What do you mean our partners..."

  "You mean the other person with the same colour as us?" Jessica added, piecing the theory together.

  Maggie nodded: "Yeah, Monopug went into our respective coloured room's right? Therefore it must have meant it was a truth from the other person..."

  "''I am literally two faced'... That must be hinting at you and Ty!" Jessica cheered, pointing at Tim, who shared her hue of red. Tim nodded, agreeing with her point.

"You still pee the bed topher? Hehe!" Alice giggled, careful not to spill her tea. Topher blushed, and went back to brushing his thick blonde hair.

"Was this supposed to make us kill one another?" Tim chuckled, adjusting his scarf over his neck.

"Looks like Monopug is losing his touch, tsk," Topher joked, wearily smiling. Topher retrieved his blackberry juice from the table, and began to nervously sip, noticing his joke had no effect on the group.

A loud carnage of noises echoed from the upper floors, causing Topher to spit out his blackberry juice. Maggie jolted to her feet, and bit into her lip nervously. The group waited in anticipation, awaiting the reason to appear.

Directly on cue, Monopug came rushing into the Dining hall, his felt glazed with a layer of what seemed like sweat. His body was dusted with a dirty and sandy brown layer of dirt. His little tongue was pointing out his messy mouth, his grin stretching ear from ear.

"Upupu! How are you all doing this fine morning!?" Monopug cheered, catching his breath rapidly.

"What did you do this time, you foul pug!" Alice barked, her eyebrow twitching intensely. Monopug's eyes widened in sadness.

"I didn't even get a good morning, Upupu..." He sulked, wiping imaginary tears from his felt, "Well, I did all of you a favour!"

"Please elaborate..." Nick insisted from afar.

Monopug cleared his throat, and announced his creation, "I added a new floor of course!" Maggie let out a prolonged sigh, and Mina slowly zipped up her hoodie.

"Are you kidding me? Please say you're joking..." Topher wined, denying Monopug's actions. Despite his pleading, Monopug continued to proudly ramble about his construction.

"I noticed you lot are missing nature, so I implemented an artificial garden! Alongside that, I added a tuck shop, since it looks like only Jess is able to cook out of you lot, Upupu!" Monopug cheered once again, his fist raised in the air with triumph.

The mention of a garden brought back unwanted memories of Gel, The ultimate florist. The group's former friend, before Monopug despicably stole her life. Did Monopug do this on purpose? These thoughts scanned across the groups mind, effectively making them flinch drastically.

Monopug waved goodbye to the group and finally took his leave from the group, his face still printed with a humungous smile. Despite the thick atmosphere, Jessica stood up from her chair and smiled.

"Don't worry, we can do this, it's obvious that Monopug is going to his last resorts. If we can out last his interests, surely he will let us leave..."

Maggie nodded confidently; "I agree, as long as we can proceed without igniting Monopug's sadistic needs, we can surely escape this hell..."

A cold chill ricocheted down every one's spines, tickling their nerves. Somehow, the group knew that this was not the end yet, and they were correct...

[[Hello! Long-time no see :D Sorry for the severe lack of content, I won't explain my reasons, cus' I bet you could already guess them ;) Im making this up as I go along, but I promise I will finish this, no matter how long it takes XD]]

[[With the secret of the coloured rooms vaguely revealed, what does Monopug have in store? What may lay upon the 3rd floor? You will just have to read to find out!]]

[[Thank you so much for reading! If you enjoyed feel free to leave a comment or even a little like, until next time my Patient secrets!]]

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