Reuniting for Good Chap.18

Start from the beginning

Diavolo nodded with a smile, "you're an amazing Individual (Y/n), even when trails are put in your way you've always tried your best even when feeling all is lost"

Diavolo then stood up, coming around taking you by the hands guiding you onto your feet

"Walk with me would you...are you alright to walk" he asked 

you nodded following him out the room as you walked down the hall, he still kept a hand on your back just to make sure you were okay, even though you'd gained your strength back

Diavolo chuckled, "I commend you for your actions (Y/n), I want you to know that"

you started to smile, "do you...although I don't see It really as commendable, I was just doing what I needed to do"

he led you to the staircase that led to the ballroom, you started down the stairs just then the chandelier lit up with you seeing your housemates, it surprised you greatly 

you went down the stairs quicker walking up to Lucifer, "I thought you were all at home...what's going on"

Asmodeus smiled, "Lord Diavolo didn't tell you yet...we're having a party to celebrate your recovery to better health!"

Diavolo came from up behind, "Apologies, I didn't know when to tell you I was too excited that I nearly spoke It out"

you looked to them all, as tears came to your eyes followed by a smile, "thank you...everyone"

Beelzebub came over holding a platter, "I made you a cake I hope you like It"

you looked down at the cake he was holding gasping in surprise It was nicely decorated 

you hugged him, "Thank you Beel It's wonderful"

just then Luke emerged from the kitchen, "she's already here why didn't you tell me!"

Luke came over hugging you, which made you bend down to receive him more

you looked to the others, "have you been planning this all along"

Lucifer smiled crossing his arms, "yes we have...we've really wanted to make It up to you although not knowing how, we're truly sorry for before"

you hugged him, "I know and It's okay I've never blamed any of you"

Lucifer patted your back, "please don't cry anymore, we can't bare to see you do so...what's more this is a happy day to celebrate you're getting better"

he wiped your tears away with his leather gloved hands, putting his hands on your shoulders turning you around "we actually have a surprise for you"

you looked back at him with a small smile, "really?"

Belphegor nodded, "mhm...and It's just arrived"

Luke came to the middle of the ballroom, calling up into the air, "Come on out!"

you were confused, but just then a ray of golden light glowed shining down, you covered your eyes squinting just as you saw someone coming to the ground, you could see a person with large white wings, but then you gasped seeing that it was Simeon, you almost stumbled back but Lucifer caught you as tears came to your eyes, he let you go as you started walking forward 

tears streamed down your cheeks as you walked over in disbelief, the light went away with Simeon landing to the ground an equal look of many emotions came to his face, he folded his wings behind his back, you looked him over he was even more divine than before

you placed a hand to your heart, " It really..."

Simeon smiled warmly, tears fell from his eyes "yes my lamb, It's me"

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