Chapter two: weird meet up

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Hunter woke up to chirping. He turned his head to see little rascal was on hus pillow chirping in his ear. Hunter shot up into a sitting position.

"You know better than to do that! Either Kikimora or Belos himself wake me up in the mornings. And if either one of them found out......." Hunter didn't want to finish that sentence. Tears were in his eyes.

Little rascal chirped and perched on Hunter's shoulder and rubbed his head on Hunter's cheek.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you. I just don't want you to get hurt." Hunter told the little bird.

Little rascal chirped and Hunter chuckled with a smile.

"I know i should stay here but you wanna go for a walk in the woods?" Hunter asked his only friend.

Little rascal cheeped and flew to the window.

"Right i should change my bandage, then we'll go." Hunter declared standing up.

Hunter suddenly felt dizzy and put a hand on his bed to stabilize himself. (Sorry i forgot to do this earlier, oops!) Hunter felt worse than last night. His gashes were throbbing, he was freezing, his nose was so stuffy that he couldn't breathe through it anymore, and his headache was worse. Hunter pulled out his first aid kit and grabbed out fresh gauze and tape. He removed his old bloodied gauze and threw it away. Hunter sighed, looking in the mirror the gashes had scabbed over, but you could still tell they were pretty deep. He quickly threw the gauze and tape on. He turned and looked at little rascal.

"Ready to go?" He asked the cardinal.

Little rascal tweeted and turned into the staff.

"I'll take that as a yes." Hunter chuckled and shook his head.

Hunter sighed and opened his window. He put on his mask, just incase he came across someone. Hunter then gazed out making sure he was in a blind spot. Then once he was sure he was in a blind spot, he flew out of his window and towards the nearest forest. Which meant he was going to be very close to the owl house. Too close for either party's comfort. Once he landed, he brought a hand up to where his forehead was under his mask and shook his head slightly. His headache and gotten so bad it was almost unbearable. He heard a tweet from on his shoulder.

"No no I'm fine." Hunter assured.

Another tweet.

"Ok fine you really want to know? I have a headache. But I'm fine though, no worries." Hunter tried to get hus palisman to stop pushing the subject.

A chirp from beside him signaled that he had won. So they started on their walk throught the forest. Every now and then Hunter would point out a plant or animal and tell little rascal about where he read it, and about their use in wild magic. Or little rascal would start a small conversation. Soon though, Hunter heard talking.

"Did you hear that?" He turned to look at the small red bird on his shoulder.

He got a tweet responce.

Then Harpy Eda, Hooty, and King came into his veiw. Hunter immidatly hid behind a bush, and Little rascal turned into a staff incase things got heated. (Battle-wise!)

Eda heard the bush russle and turned towards the noise.

"Eda what's wrong?" King asked.

"I think someone's here. Stay back, if things get messy just watch i wanna see what i can do." Eda said.

"Alright I'll go get the popcorn" King said and surried off.

"OKAY WHOEVER YOU ARE! COME OUT!" Eda yelled, approaching the bush in question.

Hunter held his staff in both hands as he heard the footsteps approaching. He tried to keep his breathing steady, but panic was starting to overcome him.

Eda reached behind the bush and flung hunter out from behind the bush and on the ground.

"Ha! I knew someone was there. Who knew it would be the golden guard." Eda said, approachung him.

King returned with the popcorn and shared it with hooty as they watched the golden guard stumble to his feet and fire magic at Eda. She dodged it easily.

"Ha that all you got?" Eda remarked.

Hunter didn't answer, he just shot more magic at her. His vision was blurry, so it was hard to see. She dodged that blast and flew towards him, knocking him to the ground once more. He wheezed and got up, trying to blast her. She came at him again, but he managed to teleport out of the way. Ge looked around for her, then saw the forest was in front of him. He felt someone grab his cape and fling him backwards, tearing his cape off in the process. Hunter yelped and coughed something up. It was wet, but he still got up.

"Ha! You can't get away from me that easily!" Eda exclaimed.

Hunter groaned and teleported around, until Eda reached out and knocked his mask off. Hunter gasped and looked at the owl Lady, who seemed to be frozen. He looked at the bystanders, and they too had looks of shock on their faces. Eda slowly reached out to pull Hunter towards him, but he fliched violently back. Eda retracted her hand and watched as Hunter ran off, back into the forest.


And that is where it ends this time! I hope you enjoyed. Please comment and vote. But uh, since there isn't realy much to say, Anyways until next time Adios! 😺

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