Chapter one: Scars

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Amity didn't know what was happening. The golden guard, scratch that THE golden guard was laying face down in the dirt of the dried up lake, and she didn't know what to do. His palisman, a little red cardinal was pulling on his cape, trying to get him up. The boy simply raised his head to say "go be with a better witch" then layed his head back down. Amity sighed and walked up to him.

"You know we really are alike. I used to think that i needed to do everything i could to justify......existing." Amity said. As she was saying this, the little cardinal perched on her shoulder.

"But there are people in this world that won't make you feel usless. You just gotta let yourself meet them." Amity finished. (I'm sorry if it's not word-for-word, i did my best from memory.)

Hunter (sorry I'm just too lazy to keep saying, the golden guard, or boy. As will his palisman be called little rascal, cause it's easier.) Turned his head and looked at amity wgen something cought his eye. She had the key! He lunged at her, reaching for the key. Amity doged and threw some abomination muck at him. Hunter's palisman turned into a staff and pretected him. He started to teleport around.

"These staffs are weird." Hunter mumbled.

When Amity managed to het him sorta tied up again, and indescribable looked crossed his face as he tried to teleport out if his restraints. When Hunter finally got out of his restraints, he shot a bunch of lazers at Amity and King, who did their best to dodge them since they bounced around like crazy.

It ened after King was stuck upside-down, his horns peircing the root of a tree, Amity had a spike to Hunter's throat, and Hunter had her pinned with his staff.

"I'm tired and you're strong. If this continues you'll probably escape, but we know where to find you and your little human." Hunter said, sounding exhausted.

Amity gasped and squeezed the key as hard as she could. A small shattering noise was emitted before she dropped the key. Hunter either didn't notice the sound or didn't care. He grabbed the key and turned to leave.

"Thank you for your cooperation." Hunter paused, then finished with "I-uh I mean it." Then he flew out of the circle opening at the top of the cave.

Eda walked in and they all went back to the owl house. Whereas, Hunter was walking out in the snow. Talking to his Palisman


Hunter was laying on his back on his bed. Little rascal chirped and hopped on to his chest.

"It wasn't that bad, I just got in trouble for not stating in the castle." Hunter replied.

Little rascal chirped again. Hunter lightly put a hand up to the left side of his face near his eye, where fresh gauze taped to his face.

"It's just two little scratches near my eye. The eye itself is fine. I'm fine!" Hunter exclaimed towards his palisman.

His words weren't really true though, and little rascal knew this, but went to his little nest anyways. Hunter had made his palisman the nest and placed it just so, that only people who knew it was there would see it.

Hunter also knew his wirds weren't true, but chose to belive them anyway. He was feeling exhausted, had a small headache, was cold, and had a stuffy nose. Hunter was also angry at himself, he knew he could've beaten the blight girl, if only the voices in his head hadn't been so disracting. The voices in his head that told him he was worthless, pathetic, ugly, useless, that he would be replaced, that said he was better off dead. The were more like monsters than voices really. Monsters like his uncle, Hunter was starting to figure that out. Nevertheless he still chose to belive Belos cared about him. Hunter sighed and lowed the hand from his face.

He didn't want to admit it, but Hunter knew that those gashes would probably become scars.

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