Speaking with Michael Chap.15

Start from the beginning

you looked up at him tearfully "Even If we change the thousand-year history It doesn't matter I believe we'll be alright nothing will happen to us...I love Simeon with all my heart...the night he told me that he felt the same way I didn't know what to say even though I was concerned as he confessed to me tearfully...I now know he was afraid of what might happen for telling of his love...It breaks my heart knowing he didn't much care for himself In this matter...he was still willing to take a chance so he could be with me happily In love like other people...I know he is an Angel while I'm only human...he may outlive me for thousands of years but I wish for us to have what we have now...please Michael..."

Michael looked down at you with widened eyes but just then Rapheal came into the study stopping to catch his breath before he greeted Michael 

"Sir please forgive me I didn't know she intended to come here"

Michael let out a sigh with a smile coming to lips "It's quite alright...this woman is truly someone amazing..."

he bent down taking your hands guiding you to your feet as you silently cried but then he placed his hand atop your head you met his eyes as he spoke, but you couldn't understand what he was saying to you as you felt your ears ring along with your head starting to spin

you then tuned out more feeling a sense of fatigue come over your body you then collapsed nearly falling to the ground, but Michael quickly caught you within the safety of his wings before he supported you to lean against himself "Raphael"

he gave his full attention "Sir"

Michael smiled "Please take her back to the Devildom...I'll soon have a word with Father about this"

he handed you over to Rapheal who then picked you up bridal style bidding goodbye to Michael before he turned leaving out the office with the doors closing to see Luke in the hallway

Luke rushed over "Sir forgive us for going behind your back...what happened to her is she okay"

Rapheal sighed "you're forgiven...but no she's exhausted I could tell from earlier"

he started walking with Luke following as they went outside of the castle into the flowery fields from where you came, he then used his power transporting you back to the Devildom.

Once you'd arrived back the day at R.A.D had ended so Rapheal took you back to the house of lamentations he walked up the few steps to the door before he had Luke knock then stepping back as the door opened with Lucifer, Asmodeus and Beelzebub standing there 

Lucifer's eyes widened "Rapheal... what're you doing here"

Asmo gasped "oh my gosh (Y/n)!"

they then noticed you in his arms with him handing you over to Beelzebub who took you inside while Lucifer stayed at the door while Rapheal filled him in on what happened 

Beelzebub set you down onto the couch as the others gathered around 

Belphegor sighed in relief "she's safe"

Lucifer soon came inside with Luke, but Rapheal had left back for the Celestial realm 

Mammon rushed over to him "speak Fido where was she!"

Luke huffed "my name is not Fido It's Luke you demon!"

he then brushed passed Mammon "I...I was with (Y/n) In the Celestial realm"


Satan furrowed his brows "how did she get there"

Lucifer crossed his arms "Apparently the Chihuahua beseeched Rapheal and she pleaded with him to take her there...where she talked to Simeon he's confined there"

"Confined?" said Leviathan

Lucifer sighed "since Simeon broke the sacred law of the Celestial realm, he's to be confined for the next hundred years to repent"

Beelzebub furrowed his brows "that's...this whole thing isn't fair why do they have to suffer for this..."

"I understand how you feel...Rapheal told me that (Y/n) spoke to Michael pleading with him to set Simeon free"

Belphie looked up "and did he say anything about It"

Lucifer shook his head "Rapheal wouldn't tell me that bit...but she fainted in his office after spilling her heart out"

 "She's exhausted from these three days...she's barely eaten why didn't you demons take better care of her!"

the brothers stood in silence with regretful looks on their faces but just then you started to come to although very tired with a headache you looked around to see you were back home

you took a breath "But I...was just In the Celestial realm..."

Beelzebub held your hand "Rapheal brought you back home from there...we were looking for you when you didn't come to meet us after school...I couldn't eat"

you gave a weak smile "sorry to worry all of you..."

Lucifer shook his head "please don't apologize the only important thing is that you're home"

you placed a hand to your head "I spoke with Simeon...but I couldn't see him"

"We know...I can't believe you actually spoke to Michael," said Satan

you teared up "I hope...my words will reach him at least a little bit"

Luke came over taking your other hand "Of course they will Michael is very kind and understanding...we just have to wait for a sign"

you nodded before trying to stand up only to have your legs falter on you with Beelzebub supporting you from behind, he then picked you up carrying you to the stairs 

"you're still weak...I'll take to your room so you can get some sleep...and I'll make you something to eat"

you gave a small smile "thank you Beel"

he sighed sadly "I'm sorry...I'm sorry that you and Simeon have to go through this"

you kept silent for the rest of the way until you reached your bedroom, he carried you over to the bed setting down carefully bringing the blankets over your body 

"Take it easy for a while...we'll take turns to check on you okay"

you nodded giving his hand a pat before he got up from your bedside walking over to the door having one last look at you before he left with you turning over facing away you then started to speak with shaky breath as tears fell onto your pillow

 "Simeon...if you can hear me, I want to say It again...I love you".

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