Date in the human world Chap.7

Start from the beginning

you smiled looking around "Simeon...what's the name of this place"

he smiled "Le Jardin...It means the garden"

you nodded then picked up the menu but then puzzled as you couldn't read it as it was in French

Simeon leaned over "allow me"

he then called a waiter over who asked for his order In which to your absolute surprise Simeon answered in perfect French It sounded beautiful coming from his tongue the waiter then wrote down the orders before smiling with a bow leaving 

you sat in awe "Simeon I... didn't know you -"

he smiled "didn't know I could speak French...I know I've long learned it centuries ago"

you smiled "that's incredible"

he blushed just then the waiter returned with two glasses of water leaving abruptly as to take another parties order you picked up your glass having a sip of water 

"so...have you been here before" you asked 

he nodded "yep many times this is my favorite Restaraunt though I've never came with anyone else...not even Luke"

he then scooted his chair in closer "(Y/n) I...I have to tell you something"

you turned to him "yes"

he blushed "listen I...I've always-"

just then the waiter returned wheeling a cart to your table then placing your meal onto the table Simeon had ordered the Confit de Canard for you both which was a meal of slow cooked duck with vegetables on the side it looked very delicious Simeon thanked him before he picked up his fork then pausing to give thanks with his eyes closed he soon opened them again starting to eat and you did the same you'd never had duck before it was very flavorful 

you smiled "this is delicious"

he smiled "I'm glad you like it...It's my favorite dish here"

you then continued eating and having conversation you asked him a few questions about the Celestial realm which he gladly answered for you 

he reached over taking your hand in his "I wish I could show you it...It's breathtaking there"

your smile started to falter "can I...not go there"

he shook his head "well...I suppose you could, but I'd have to ask permission from Michael"

he then asked "would you like some dessert"

you smiled "sure"

he ordered you a chocolate souffle to share with strawberries it was so very wonderful you soon finished up before Simeon once more hailed a waiter as to pay before you left once more it was later in the evening now you knew you'd need to return soon as you had to Attend R.A.D In the morning also your agreement with Lucifer to stay In purgatory hall expired as well you walked together through the park from where you first came he didn't want this night with you to end 

Simeon smiled taking your hand "come...I have a surprise for you"

you smiled holding his hand back following he then led you to the nearby lake where you saw a boat resting on the shore he helped you into it before he started pushing it out onto the water soon hopping in rowing the boat further out into the lake you held onto the boat as you looked around you could see fireflies coming out along the shore

Simeon soon put down the ores letting out a sigh looking up at the night sky 

you did the same "It's so beautiful out here..."

he smiled warmly "it is but...the only beauty I see is sitting in front of me"

you blushed deeply but then he started getting closer to you taking your hands 

"I have to finish what I was going to say...(Y/n) you know I adore you right..."

you smiled "yes"

he blushed "what I feel for goes much deeper than adoration I know I'm risking a lot by doing this have to know I-"

just then your D.D.D rang and you took your hands out his answering it on the other side you heard Lord Diavolo's voice "Hello (Y/n) I didn't mean to disturb you"

you smiled "oh I'm...with Simeon right now but how can I help"

Simeon turned away as an ache came to his chest making him clench it you soon hung up the phone turning to him "Lord Diavolo told me It's a mess back home"

he nodded "I see...would you like to go back"

you thought "It sounded rather urgent so It can't be ignored"

he then took the ore's starting to row back to the shore you noticed Simeon's aura had changed it seemed to dim a little bit you started wondering what's wrong 

"Simeon...are you alright"

he got out the boat extending his hand to you "I'm alright...I know you have to be getting home but please let me be your escort one more time"

you took his hand carefully stepping out the boat but then he brought you into a hug 

you smiled hugging back "Simeon..."

he rubbed your back "thank you...for coming on this date with me truly you've made my night"

you smiled warmly "of course"

you looked up into his beautiful blue eyes that gleamed in the moonlight you then placed a hand on his cheek "Simeon...are you sure you're alright"

he touched your hand "yes so long as you are...I am"

you giggled then got on your tip toes placing a kiss on his cheek which made his face turn red as a rose he then smiled lovingly caressing your cheek he wanted to kiss you so badly but he resisted the temptation even though it further broke his heart he then used his power teleporting you both back to the Devildom In a flash of golden light. 

(Art used is by, Sara Dianne on twitter all credit goes to them, and song is an Instrumental of Evanescence "My Heart is broken")

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