The beginning of the end

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Dedicated to my lovely friend thethornsofmylife ❤️

Azazeal's words kept so much meaningful information and I didn't see that coming. He stopped halfway and widened his eyes when something started choking me. I felt as if my entire body was electrified and my lungs were going to burst. The last thing , the last image I had was him reaping off a hand and a sword driven to his gut. Then black...

I flutter my eyes open to hear howling and a wolf across my window. A hand covers my mouth and pulls me into my room and hushes me. The wolf is blind, tells me a voice in my head.

The touch of the person that pulled me inside is way too familiar. Before I have time to think of the situation a kiss is placed on my shoulder...

A rain-soaked jacket falls down on the floor with a tiny thud.

I turn around and gasp...

Earlier Eric's POV
I've been wondering in the woods lost in my thoughts. I thought I knew the world and its mysteries after being on earth for a thousand years. But the truth is I still had a lot to learn and that scared me. I wouldn't admit it to anyone but it did.
It is dark and for some reason I could feel the cold now. A breeze went through me stinging my spine. It was quite until across me a huge white wolf materialized out of thin air. It looked like a hound of hell and its eyes were bizarre. They were mirroring me as if my reflection was mocking me. The creature growled and smoke left its nostrils. It was ready to attack me. I couldn't move as if something had glued me place in a trans.

There is sudden blue light and I see no other than the person I loved the most come into my field of vision.
"Godric ..." I utter in shock.
He shields me from the wolf and he moves his hand, blue fire hits the wolf in the eyes as it lunges on Godric. The wolf lets out a whimper and now its eyes are white and haunting and it starts running away.
Godric has still got a blue light around him and he looks sad and exhausted.
I extend my hand and I'm bleeding. I look for words to say but my brain is empty.
He approaches me and touches my face. It feels like a breeze.
"Things are set into motion. There is a lot you won't understand my child. Take care of Jade,once she gets the meaning of it all she'll save us all. Otherwise..."

His flesh seems peeled and there is a scribble under his skin.
" What do you mean? " I demanded to know.
" I shouldn't be here it could mess things up. Remember I love you Eric." he said sorrow etched in his features. And like that he was pulled under into the earth.
I was standing there dumbfounded. What did just happen? Then I heard howling again. I decided to fly and find Jade. There was something like a thin line signaling where she was. I looked around in the sky and it started snowing. And as I reached Jade's place the snow turned into rain. The climate seemed to even be changing and morphing into something these days.

Jade's POV

I was gasping as Eric was looking at me and bleeding from a wolf bite. I touched his torso and it was flaming hot. On the other side the wolf was circling the house huffing and puffing.
I stretched my hand and a power radiated through it hitting the wolf outside the window and I felt that I teleported it somewhere.
Eric put his face on my collarbone and sighed as if oblivious to what just took place.
" I'm sorry Jade. I don't know what's gotten into me." he said with begging eyes.
It was as if everything I thought of before was vanished and its place took a primal feeling , lust.
I pushed him on the bed and started kissing him.

Meanwhile in Fangtasia
Ginger is cleaning the dungeon when a huge white wolf whimpering comes out of thin air in front of her. She trembles and screams
"Ahhhhhhh Pam! Help!"
The wolf looks sedated. Pam runs in high speed and finds the wolf bowing down silent and Ginger still in shock.
" For fuck's sake, did you pee yourself? " she looks at her questionably.
Pam puts a chain on the wolf and it seems asleep.
" I should call Eric about this thing." She murmures and walks up the stairs her pumps making a thudding sound touching the ground.

So long time no update. That is a connecting chapter since as you see on the picture above there is a sequel coming called " Labyrinthian lies " moving the story forward.

Chase Chest ~True Blood ~Eric NorthmanWhere stories live. Discover now