The city of Argo

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"Will she be alright?" A familiar voice ask as I slowly regain consciousness.

"She should be fine your majesty." A second much kinder voice says from right outside my door

"Good, the information she has on that hero Icarus is far to valuable to lose." The first voice says, this time I'm able to recognize it as the tyrant of Argo, Medusa. She opens the door and seems puase as she me, sitting up a ghostly white half from fear half from pain. "Your awake earlier than expected."

"What do you want from me?" I ask failing to hide the fear and exhaustion laceing my voice.

"Why that's simple, we need information about Icarus." Medusa says as she sits on the foot of my bed, her long straight dark hair falling over her shoulders to her black dress with gold trim, I had never seen her truly dressed in anything other than her snake like armor, in fact other than her voice shes nothing like the mad king. "Oh," she says as if read my mind "I'm a shape shifter so if I don't look anything like Medusa that's why, this is my true form."

"I see," I say still in quiet suspicious of why she kept me alive.

"Um, let's start over, I'm Persephone"

"What?" I ask, what does she mean start over she dose realize she's an evil tyrant right? And since when is her name Persephone.

"I can see you're confused," Medu- I mean Persephone says stating the obvious. "Medusa is a stage name I'm my castle I go by but my real name Persephone."

"Oh, well I'm Artemis." I say sheepishly

"That's nice, now I need some information on your brother, Icarus, if you wouldn't mind telling me that is." Persephone says getting straight to why I'm sitting here, alive right now.

"What's there to know," I say coldly the betrayal he gave me still fresh in mind Evan though I can tell it's been days. "I just want to know when I leave this city."

"You can leaving when you're fully healed until then you're a guest in my city."

I open my mouth to speak but I can't think of anything to say after all the women who had tried to kill me just a few days prior, now she's acting as if I was some important figure that was here on some diplomatic mission.

"So," Persephone speaking breaks me out of my thoughts. "About that information you don't have to tell me anything ,but it would be helpful if you did especially since he betrayed you rating him out should be easy. " I think about it he betrayed me over some village we had already evacuated.

"What do you want to know."

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